28| Sick

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Warning: Triggering parts that is not appropriate to read

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Warning: Triggering parts that is not appropriate to read.

"Let's have fun, I'm sure you're gonna love it. " the man said as he gripped tight on my wrist.

"No! Let me go! Please! " I pleaded as I tried to loosen his grip on me. His scaring me.

"You'll gonna scream my name while we made love." he grinned as he drag me into the alley, a dark alley.

"No! " I shouted as he slapped my cheek hard as I can taste the metallic taste in my mouth.

The man pushed me hard into the wall making my head collided with it.

They started touching me, kissing me out of my consent. No!

"No! Stop! Please stop!" I screamed at all my might.

"Emery. " I heard a distant voice as I tried to find it.

"Stop!" I continued thrusting from his dirty hold.

"Wake up Emery! Love wake up." I felt myself being shaken up.

Warning: End

I opened my eyes immediately as I saw a figure in front of me. No!  They're here to get me!

I hugged my body closer to me as a hand gently touch my hair as I flinched away from its touch.

"Stop." I whimpered out as I begged, I want to end this. It's haunting me.

"Emery, it's me Alessandro. It's Ale chipmunk. " he said softly as I look at him closely. He hesitantly lifted his hand as I watched him scared.

"I promise I won't hurt you, It's just me Emery. " he said softly as if his scared that I would break anytime.

I looked at him reluctantly as he lifted his hand again to grip mine. I flinched a little at his touch as he looked fuddled and hurt.

"See I won't hurt you." he said softly as he moved closer to me slowly, as if his scared of frightening me.

I looked at him with my glassy eyes as I still sobbed quitely. He lifted his hand as I observed his action. He wiped the tears away from my cheeks and my sweats on my forehead with his  handkerchief gently.

"It's fine I'm here, what are you afraid for chipmunk? " he asked as he tried to lift my mood. I shook my head to him as he nodded at me lightly in understandment.

"You're hot Emery, I'm gonna get your medicine alright." he said while putting the back hand of his palm on my forehead.

"I know I'm hot." I said seriously to him as an amused expression laced through his face. He chuckled as he bent down to kiss my forehead.

Her Road To Go [UNEDITED]Where stories live. Discover now