47| Jealousy

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I sat on my chair while reading one of my textbooks until I heard a faint knock on my door, opening it without my permission as it popped out Erman's sulking face

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I sat on my chair while reading one of my textbooks until I heard a faint knock on my door, opening it without my permission as it popped out Erman's sulking face.

I looked at him confuse but still stayed quiet as I'm waiting for him to say anything. He sighed before opening it wide.

"Lunch is ready. " he said shortly before closing it again, leaving me daze in my seat.

I went downstairs to see them already eating. I took a peek on the table to see burritos and spring rolls.

"Emee come here! " Evron said while pointing to the seat between him and Erman. I made my way towards his direction and seat between them.

He helped me putting the burrito and spring rolls to my plate and my pineapple juice even though I can get it by myself but he insisted.

I looked at my plate as my eyes keep sparkling in delight. This looks so good! I took a bite and quietly moan at the richness of its flavor.

I danced in my seat while chewing the food in my mouth which earned a couple of chuckles from my brothers.

Evron kept telling us a joke until I choke at my own food in my mouth. Evron immediately hand me his drink because my cup was already empty. A hand made its way to my back and begun rubbing and patting soothingly.

I showed Evron my gratitude which makes him pat my head using his hand. So it means that his not the one whose rubbing my back.

I shifted my head to face Erman and trace his arm and hand that is on my back. When he saw me looking at him, he immediately detached his hand on my back before composing himself while coughing lighly without looking at my direction.

"Thanks. " I said quietly then focusing my full attention to my food.


As I'm sitting on the living room watching Peppa Pig, I've notice that since yesterday Enzo is not being himself. He seems very quiet and always zoning out but sometimes glancing at my direction with a look I can't comprehend.

He looked sad and distant, yesterday I thought his just tired and just wanted to sleep early after visiting Cyry in the hospital.

I asked him yesterday if his okay but he said his totally fine and well so I just shrugged it off but now his still doing that look and it's breaking my heart to see him distress.

I went to his room to see him laying down with his arm over his eyes. I walked closer to him and plopped down beside him.

"Enzy?" I called out to him softly and making myself comfortable while laying beside him.

He hummed in response as I looked at him worried. I patted his chest gently, wanting to get his attention.

"Are you okay? " I asked with my chin on his rib cage, looking at him expectantly to look at me.

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