43| His Effort

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"SHUT THE FUCK UP! " I heard Erman yell which makes us shift our attention to him

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"SHUT THE FUCK UP! " I heard Erman yell which makes us shift our attention to him.

Keiden and I both stopped our bickerings and looked at each other before shrugging our shoulders.

Erman looked at our direction before gazing a glare to Keiden which he did in return. I looked at them back-and-forth as they kept sending glares. The tension is killing the vibe right now.

"Stop. " I said in my whining tone as I covered Keiden's eyes by using both of my palm.

"Alright how about we play games. " I heard Rhett suggest as I nodded my head in agreement.

"Alright what do my boo boo want to play?" Kash asked as I pouted my mouth at the weird nickname.

"Wait I'll get it, it's in my room. " I said as I stood up before walking upstairs until I reach my room.

I grabbed the board game in my family game box, don't ask me why I'm prepared but I got this one when Cyry and I went to the mall and decided to buy fun stuff.

I made my way downstairs, more like sprinting because I'm so excited. It's been a while since the last time I played board games.

"Tadaaa! " I exclaimed loudly while showing them the Jenga box with a wide smile on my face.

"Yep, Niqi and her board games. " I heard Enzo muttered to himself as I playfully placed my hand on my chest as if I'm offended.

"I'm offended Enzy." I said while wiping the imaginary tears on my eyes.

"Hi Offended, I'm Knox." he grinned as the others let out a snicker. I playfully rolled my eyes to him at his attempt as I placed the game on the center table.

"Alright let's circle the table! " I ordered them with my hands on my hips.

We assembled the game with a twist on the rules. Whoever loses the game will get through Truth or Dare game and if you don't want to do any of it then there's a consequences.

I'm really good at this game so ready fellas! This game is kinda hard since we're so many. We started the game from oldest to youngest. Grandad didn't join the game because we would rather watch us than to cooperate with us specially with his shaky old arms and hands. That's grandad's words, not mine.

"Ha! Take that! " I squealed loudly as I did my victory dance. We played this game for hours without feeling the boredness.

Ale, Beau, Rhett and Spencer are the ones who keep losing while the others including me are competitive.

My brothers and cousins are starting to warm up so it's great but Keiden and Erman are still sending glares to each other. What are they a kid?

"I'm tired." Rhett whined as he stretched his body. The others also nodded in agreement including me. This is probably the longest board game I've ever played.

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