Chapter Forty One

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I was sitting in my office and checking some files when I heard a knock on the door.

"Come in," I ordered still checking the files.

"Sir I have something to inform you," Said my PA

"Yeah tell me," I told him looking at him.

"Sir, everything is going as per our plan we have already claimed the 40% shares of Mathur Industries and working on the remaining shared, soon we will claim the remaining shares, Mathur Industry's shares are going down and Mr. Mathur is looking for the new contract from which he solves the issue but everything is going in vain," Mr. Bansal informed me.

"Good, let it be as per the plan we have lots of time but let the owner anonymous for now and do it as per the plan, no one should be aware of it in that company otherwise they will create problems," I ordered him.

"Sure sir," he said with a nod.

"And keep an eye on them, make sure that they will not get any projects and will not get any help from anyone, once he will not get any help tell our men to call him and help him and in exchanged make sign him the share transfer papers without his knowledge, we already have 40% share and when his share will be on our name then we will become the major shareholder," I ordered him.

He gave a nod and left the cabin.

Your count down already started Arvind Mathur, soon you and your family will be on streets. 

You and your family touched my Jaan so much, now it's time for the payback.

She will get all the things which belonged to her. Which her father built with his hard work.

You will soon pay for all that you have done to my Anku. You tortured her to this extent that she started to get nightmares. It took her lots of time to recover from the nightmare.

I had seen her crying and begging to her go in her dreams, she may be forgiven you but I will not.

I will not let you go this easily.

I smirked and started doing my work. 

It was already lunchtime and I decided to call her, she was not in the office today otherwise I would be watching her through the cameras, yeah you had heard correct, whenever I missed her I started to watch her on CCTV which is connect to my laptop.

I can keep an eye on everyone through it. I always watch her during the lunch break to know that she had her lunch properly or not.

I called her and it started to ring.




It was keep ringing but she was not lifting her phone. I tried it again.

It was keep ringing but no one was answering the call. I started to panic.

She never ignores my calls, whenever I call her she always lifts her phone.

'Anku baby come on please pickup the phone Jaan'

I keep on chanting the same and was praying to God that keep her safe.

It never happened before. I hope she was alright.

Then I dialed the landline number but still, it was keep ringing but no one was picking it up.

Now it was getting on my nerves. Where are they all, this will be their last day at work.

I was fuming in anger and started to panic more, I grab my all things and decided to go home.

I was keep calling her maybe she lift it.

I came out of the cabin when my secretary stopped me

"Sir you have a meeting in 10 minutes," she said while getting up.

"Cancel all my meeting," I ordered her.

"But sir.....," she tried to say something but I roared at her, how dare she disobey my order.

"I said cancel all my meetings, can't you hear me at once," 

I again called her and this time by God's grace she lifts the call.

"Hello," she said and her voice was very low.

"Anku baby is you okay, what happened Jaan why are sounding so low, why did you not lifting the call, say something Jaan I am getting scared," I keep on blubbering and getting scared.

"Arav I am okay, it was just I was preparing the presentation and I do not know when I slept while doing the work. My phone was in silent mode so I didn't realize that you were calling," she said and I sighed in relief.

"You scared me Jaan," I said and again made my way towards my cabin where I saw my secretary in with total shocked expression, she might hear my conversation.

"What, do your work," I told her in a cold voice and came in my cabin and set on the table.

I was still on call with my wife.

"I told you na, do not stress yourself but you never listen to me, you know how scared I was when you were not picking your phone, don't do that again," I keep on lecturing her.

"Sorry, you know na, this is really important to me and I want to give my 200% on it, please forgive me, I will not do that again and will always lift your phone, please hubby please forgive me pretty please," and I knew that I can't be angry on her more.

She always did that to skip from my anger. I knew that she making her cute face right now which I could feel.

"Okay don't make that face now and promise me that you will not do that again," I asked her.

"I promise and how do you know about my face," she asked and I chuckled.

"I know you better than yourself Jaan," I said and I knew that she was blushing now.

"Have you completed your work?" 

"Yes, it's done now and I am totally ready for tomorrow," she said with confidence.

"Very good, so now go take rest and by rest means rest," I ordered her.

"Aye aye captain," she said and giggled and I also chuckled at her childish behavior.

Sometimes I got confused that is she really a woman or a 5 years old kid.

"Okay now bye, I will meet you in the evening, love you," I said.

"Okay I will be waiting, love you too," she replied and we hung up the call.





Forced To Marry The CEOजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें