[the princess]

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The princess had never seen a place so vibrant, so colorful and so boisterous. She had traveled from the castle westwards, her back to the rising sun. And she had watched as the marketplace filled slowly, with sellers, with people and with fragrant odors of delicious smelling foods. The princess stuck her nose eagerly into the air, and suddenly wished she had thought to bring some coins along. As she wandered through the marketplace, merchants selling items of every shape and size hoarsely shouted their prices at her, encouraging her to buy their items. Smiling embarrassedly, she nervously shook her head as people pushed past her. She quickly passed a peach seller, who, though eagerly shouting his price, glared at anyone who came close to his precious peaches. She stopped to admire the cool fabrics hanging from the stand of a fabricwoman, running her hands gently over them. "Have you found any that suits you?" asked the fabricwoman with a gentle smile.
"Oh! No, I haven't any money," said the princess, though she continued to slide her fingers over the many colored fabrics. The fabricwoman laughed, a deep bellied sound that filled the air with a warm feeling.
"Maybe next time." And she turned to help another. The princess nodded gratefully and continued on, following the crowd. A loud thudding startled her and she turned to see a small crowd gathered around a woman busy chopping up meats of every shape and size. Impressive, how those meats quickly were made short work in her strong hands. She stood and watched for a little before moving on, excited to explore more of the marketplace. And as she walked on, a sweet scent caught her attention and she turned her head. Apples! The princess's long favorite and most cherished fruit. She ran over and peered around, admiring the beautifully shiny fruits before her. But not just apples. Next to her, she noticed a small child, desperately trying to reach an apple, their pudgy fingers stretched. She looked around and bent down, handing the child the apple. She stood up quickly. "Have you any money to pay for that?" said a sweet voice and Ananya abruptly stiffened and turned. She was instantly enamored. The voice had come from a slender girl, about her age, with the most beautifully bright green eyes. Her long black hair tumbled down past her shoulders, and her lips, though beautifully pink and full were quirked in a playful frown. Her skin, a delicate cocoa brown, looked soft as anything and Ananya was speechless. "Well?" said the seller again, her eyes sparkling. The princess snapped her head out of her thoughts and stammered, trying not to let her gaze drop back to those lips.
"I...I...have no money. Forgive me." But the girl only laughed and smiled, blindingly white.
"Had it not been for your stunning beauty," said she, raising an eyebrow at the startled princess. "I might have not let you leave without payment of some sort." The princess gaped, surprised at her utter brashness. The girl smiled again and held out a hand. "Chameli." The princess took it carefully.
"Ananya." said she in reply. But they were quickly interrupted by two palace guards.
"Have you not paid for the apple you took for the child?" asked one, looking intensely at the princess. She had no reply. She was reassured by Chameli's warm hand upon her chest.
"But she has!" argued the apple seller vehemently, and opened her hand to reveal the princess's necklace. Astonished, Ananya placed her hand on her throat, now bare. "She gave this as payment for her actions." Chameli continued, dangling the necklace in their faces. "Now begone. You have no further business here." And grumbling, the guards marched away.
"Thank you." sighed the princess, relieved.
Chameli only smiled in return, before shouting over her shoulder, "Damini!" And another girl slightly older peered out. "Take over for me! I'll be back soon." The girl nodded and shuffled forward to take her place. Chameli hopped lightly over the counter, taking Ananya's hand in hers. "Come," said she, "I'll show you around. I can see by the clothing you wear and the look in your eyes you are not from here, yes?" And the princess only nodded, her face warm though not from the beating sun. Though it was already a hot day, her hand burned within the apple seller's as she led her through the bustling crowds. "My home," said the girl, by way of explanation as to where they were headed, flashing her eyes over to meet the princess's. And the princess dropped her eyes quickly.
"Do you not live in the building behind the apple stand?" said she to the ground.
Chameli only laughed, "No, that is where we store the goods that come overseas. No, my home is nearby." And she led on. Neither noticed the palace guards follow them as they disappeared around the corner. They arrived soon enough in front of a small building, not unlike the rest, though the door had been painted a brilliant orange. The princess had thought her cheeks were prone to melting off with how flaming hot they had become. The girl had dropped her hand in favor of extracting a key from insider her blouse, and opening the door. The room inside was delightfully cool in comparison to the melting heat outside. The apple seller turned, her face modest. She gestured around the room. "It's not much," murmured she, wrapping her arms tightly around herself. "But it's home."
The princess sank gratefully down upon the bed and laughed. "I love it."
Chameli smiled. "Come. Let me show you my favorite part." And she climbed up a ladder that Ananya had originally not noticed. She pried open a trapdoor, beckoning the princess to follow. Chameli offered Ananya her hand and pulled her up onto the rooftop. She pointed in the direction of the palace and said simply, "My favorite view. Sometimes I'll sit here and imagine the lives of the people living inside." But Ananya's face had fallen and she scowled at the ground.
"Only if you like feeling trapped, without a single taste of freedom. As if your whole lie has been decided for you." she said all this without thinking, and the apple seller turned towards her, a frown creasing her features.
"You are from the palace, are you not?" she asked quietly. The princess nodded, and in that instant decided to stay from the truth.
"I am a handmaiden for the princess." said she softly, worried to lose the girl. For though they had just met, she feared going on without her. And for a moment nothing was said as Chameli allowed the news to run through her. When she looked back up, it was with a look of fire beyond anything Ananya could comprehend. And she barely moved as the apple seller flew towards her and grabbed her face in her hands. For a moment, they stared into each other's eyes, a breath away. Then Chameli leaned forward and pressed her lips against the princess's. The princess closed her eyes and placed her shaking hands through the apple seller's hair, soft and sleek. For a time that was not counted, they stood there, lost in each other, neither caring if anyone were to find them. And when they broke away, both did so reluctantly. The princess opened her eyes slowly. "Are you to return my necklace?" asked she.
Chameli laughed. "I shall find you and return it someday." She wound the necklace around her neck. "As a promise, I shall give you this." And from her neck, she wound a scarf carefully around the princess's. The princess closed her eyes peacefully. RAT-A-TAT-TAT! The sharp knocking of a firm hand came ringing through the air. Chameli grabbed Ananya's hand, and carefully they crept to the edge of the roof. Below, waited three people in uniform. "No, it can't be." whispered the princess, horrified. How could the palace guards know she was here?

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