{the jinn}

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The water was ice cold and beat against the sides of the lamp ruthlessly. But it mattered not to the jinn. His eyes were set on the tattered man below him, laying on the ocean floor. The lamp swayed back and forth gracefully, drifting to the ocean floor. It landed inches away from Imaran's fingertips. And though it took every inch of his will, the jinn summoned enough magic to propel the lamp into his hands. The hands Sundar had held not hours ago. He could not bear it if this was the last time. Imaran's fingertips grazed the surface of the lamp. It was just enough. Sundar sprang out of the lamp and gathered the commoner into his arms. Imaran's head flopped listlessly against his chest and the jinn could not. "Please," he begged. "I need you to wake up so I can save your life. I cannot bear to be without you. No one has ever made me feel as you make me, and given me such a sense of freedom. Please. I...," and he hesitated, but went on with no regret in his words. "I love you." And the words left him breathless, but the commoner was running out of time. Sundar had to think quickly. "Ima, do you wish for me to save you from an untimely death?" said he, gripping the commoner's face, and when he released it, his head drooped down. It was answer enough, and the jinn carried him up and out of the water. "Please live." he whispered. 

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