9| Shield

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Chapter 9: Shield (Claire's POV)

I sat at the desk, my leg bouncing up and down, my right elbow propped up on the table and my chin resting in the palm of my hand while I clenched and unclenched my jaw and chewed the inside of my cheek. 

I don't know why I was so mad. I mean, am I even allowed to be that mad? I didn't listen to anything that he told me. I didn't do one thing the way he asked me to. I never listen to him. 

Which is wrong because the whole purpose of me being locked in here like freaking Rapunzel, is at least to be safe. But I'm not letting him keep me safe, nor am I listening to what he's telling me. Even though I told him I would. 

I put my head down on the table, letting out a sigh of frustration. I stood up and turned around to start pacing but let out a gasp when I saw him just standing at my door. Which I very vividly remember slamming shut. "Oh, my God! Stop doing that!" I grabbed a pillow and threw it at him. 

He grabbed it before it could hit his face and tossed it back on the bed. 

"Please just go," I sighed, running my hand through my hair. He didn't move though, not even an inch. "You can't just stand there," I glared at him. 

He still didn't say anything and only stared at me. An apology just doesn't come out of his mouth, does it? 

"I will literally go and lock myself in the bathroom if you don't either start talking or get out," I huffed. I nodded, "Okay," I sighed, turning around to seriously lock myself in the bathroom where I could get some privacy and be alone. 

He grabbed my wrist and pulled me back before I could step in, spinning around and pulling me, making me collide from him. "I have a spare key to every room in here. Bathrooms included," he said. 

"You can't walk into a bathroom," I rolled my eyes. 

"You don't wanna push it," he glowered. What the hell is he glowering at me for? I did not do anything. "What if they didn't believe your lie? What if they just came in here and took you?" he asked his grip tight on me. 

"Well, they didn't," I rolled my eyes. 

"And if they did?" I opened my mouth to argue but he beat me to it. "If they did, Claire?" His voice was calm. That scary calm. Too calm for the situation. 

"Then they would have taken me, what else?" I shrugged. 

"Did you listen to one thing I told you the last time we had this conversation? I can't keep you safe like this!" 

"You couldn't save me today anyway because you weren't here. So if they took me, that was on my account, it wouldn't be your fault," I explained. 

"Was I supposed to put you in the trunk of my car? I went to meet the person who sent those guys here, he would figure it out," he explained, "He already thinks I'm keeping you here to help your father." 

"He's not wrong. Why are you helping my father? And don't give me crap about how you saved me once, you can do it again," I rolled my eyes. 

He didn't have an answer. "I told you, consider it a favor," he huffed. 

I sighed and let it go. Maybe he just doesn't wanna tell me. "You are..." I trailed off, "You're un-fucking-believable," I scoffed. I pulled out of his grip and pulled my closet open, grabbing the first bathing suit in sight. 

Maybe I'll consider drowning myself this time. 

I slammed the door in his face, threw my clothes off, pulled the bikini on, grabbed the towel, worse flip flops this time even though I noticed earlier he listened to me and put a doormat out there. I opened and he was still standing there, slightly confused. 

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