13| Fire

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Chapter 13: Fire (Claire's POV)

After annoying him for a long time, he finally caved in and agreed to share his room with me. He cracked when I said he was a liar and wasn't keeping his word even though we both agreed to it. 

I kind of struck a nerve but he was putting up with me. 

I went to my room where I brushed my teeth and hair before I grabbed my water bottle and then prayed to god, seriously, I did that. I then went to his room, knocking on the door. He opened it, his toothbrush in his mouth, his shirt on his shoulder with the same black sweatpants. 

He rolled his eyes and threw the door open. I rolled my eyes as well before going inside and taking the left side of the bed. I wasn't just doing this because Flynn told me to. 

I wanted to know him, I wanted to open up to me, and I wish it wasn't some type of 'I can change him' bullshit, but that's exactly what it is. I think I can change him, I think someone needs to remind him that people are there for him and people can love him. 

I saw my phone on his nightstand, which he was still keeping away from me. I grabbed it and unlocked it, scrolling through it. I had a few texts from Aesha, freaking out about the date, a few from my dad asking if everything was going all right which I replied to with a yes. And then there was a text from Theo. My brows furrowed and I frowned, opening the text. 

Can we meet? I need to talk to you ASAP. 

Leo came out and snatched my phone before I could even think of a response. He locked the phone without reading the text. "It was Theo," I said, knowing that he was resisting the urge to ask. 


I nodded in response. He didn't react and pulled his shirt over his head. "He wants to meet me." 

He stopped moving for a split second before turning to me. "Why?" 

I shrugged, biting back a smile. He cares. "Something about needing to talk as soon as possible," I answered. 

"You're not meeting him." 

"I know." 

"You're not going anywhere, he's not coming here." 

"I said I know," I laughed, "I don't wanna meet him," I shrugged. 

He eyed me warily before turning the lights off and getting in bed. I could still see him from the moonlight and clearly, he was in thought. I just sat there, hoping he'd spit it out. "How much do you know about Theo?" he asked. 

"Not as much as I should. Why? What do you know that I should?" 

He contemplated it, his fingers drumming against his leg. "Theo's uncle is the person your dad owes."

"What?" I gaped at him. 

He nodded, "Theo's uncle. His name's Seth Cavanaugh." 

Like Toby from PLL? 

"And I only know that because he had my mom killed. I'm not supposed to know him but I do, clearly," he scoffed, "Everyone in this town who gambles does." 

I stared ahead of me, shellshocked. "Does Theo know?" 

He chuckled humorlessly, "Theo helps him. The same way I get the money from person to person and hand it over to my dad and then get my share from it, Theo does that for Seth." 

"Then doesn't that mean my dad should know? If he came to collect the money?" 

He nodded slowly, "He should, why?" 

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