15| Sue me

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Chapter 15: Sue me (Claire's POV)

So, apparently, Flynn never came home last night because he is nowhere to be seen and has not been seen by Leo or me since yesterday, which can only mean... he never came home and stayed with Aesha instead. 

I was busy making a french toast while Leo sat at the counter when the front door beeped and then opened. I looked up and saw Flynn walking in, seeming zoned out, grinning like an idiot. Leo and I looked at each other knowingly. "Hey, Flynn," I sang. 

He snapped out of it and noticed us, tripping over thin air but catching himself. "H-hi," he stammered. 

"Hello," Leo nodded at him, "Where have you been my friend?" He arched an eyebrow at Flynn before chuckling and shaking his head. I smiled at him even though he wasn't looking. 

"Okay, um what the hell did you do to him?" Flynn asked me while pointing at Leo. 

"I stayed persistent and annoyed the shit out of him. French toast?" I asked, sliding Leo's plate over to him. 

"Oh yeah, sure." Flynn sat beside him and they began chatting like long lost best friends. 

I thought I'd go sit on the couch, give them a minute. Flynn was busy ranting on and on about Aesha. I smiled while grabbing my plate and going to walk past Leo. He listened to Flynn the whole time but before I could walk past him, he grabbed my wrist without even looking and pulled me back. 

I looked at him in confusion and he nodded at the barstool opposite to his. I rolled my eyes with a smile and went and sat down, listening in to Flynn fangirl over Aesha. 

I'm telling her everything he says. It's so cute. 

I wish I could say I was paying attention to everything Flynn said, but I wasn't. I was staring at Leo. 

Ohhh, don't do it. Don't do it, Claire. 

I don't want to admit it. 

Don't admit it. 

It's not like not admitting it makes it untrue. 

Try, sweetheart. 

Go to hell. 

I like him. Oh my god, I liked him. Like a lot. Like a lot a lot. I don't put in the effort to make someone smile like that, all right? Especially the amount of effort I put in for this idiot. 

He's so stubborn and so annoying, but he's keeping me safe. He's making sure I'm comfortable here, he's paying attention to everything I do. 

That's so you don't kill yourself on accident. 

I don't care, at least he's looking. 

I liked everything about him. Everything. Even the parts I wasn't supposed to. I liked how his eyes felt on me when I wasn't looking. But I know I have to get it in control. I'm not supposed to like him. The smile just pushed me over the edge. Sue me. I like Leo Jackson. Sue me. 

After breakfast, I did the dishes as promised and then Flynn went to freshen up and Leo stayed downstairs. He walked over to me and stood behind me while I rinsed my hands and dried them before turning to him. 

"I have to head out in ten minutes, Flynn already knows." 

"Where are you going?" 

"I have to collect some money and drop it off at my dad's and I'm meeting your dad as well." 

"My dad?" My brows furrowed in confusion. He nodded in response. "Why?" I asked. 

"He wants to see me. Ask about you in person and we have to plan something." 

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