6 | I Hope I Was Fast

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"So... let's get this straight on more time," Blake speaks. "Clothes are in the closet. You have the freedom to wander around the house, but you need our permission to leave. And you need someone to take you there. We can't risk you trying to escape. Your room has a bathroom, and the kitchen is open 24 hours. Got it?"

I nod. He's been explaining this to me for the past hour.

"Me and Adrian are off to a party. Wanna come with?"

People drink there. So that's a no. I shake my head. I haven't really talked.

"Suit yourself," He says, heading for the door.

"Heyyyy!" I hear a female voice exclaim.

"Oh no," Blake groans as he heads towards the girl. She has gorgeous black hair that is braided, and is wearing a dark red lipstick, along with some small amount of eye-liner. "Baby!" He holds out his arms and she gives him a nice big hug.

"Who's that?" She says, looking towards me. My face heats up in embarrassment. She quickly gives me a warm smile. "Hey, what's your name? I'm Anna." She holds out her hand for a handshake. My trembling hands reach for them, and I manage to give her a small smile.

"I didn't catch your name," She says.

"Oh. Bailey."

"Nice to meet you. I'm assuming you witnessed one of their crimes, and they have you here?"

"How'd you know?" Blake jumps in.

"Please, literally the only guests you have over are here to die."

My eyes widen in shock. I knew it, they were going to kill me.

"But I convinced Adrian not to kill her."

"Really?" She crosses her arms skeptically. Blake gives her a look that says 'really'. "Wow, I've never seen him do that before."

"I went straight to him, looked him in the eye, and said 'You can't kill her!' He was too scared to say no," He brags.

"It probably went more like you were too scared to ask him, but he made you tell him anyway, and you begged him to agree by guilting him."

"Yeah, that's exactly how it went..." He looks down at the floor. "Well, we're off to a party. You coming?" He asks Anna.

"Nah, I'll raid the kitchen," She chuckles.

"Alright then. See you later babe," He plants a kiss on her lips and walks off. "Don't wreck the house!"

Now she turns to me. "So, what do you want to do?"

I open my mouth to speak, so I can tell her that I'd prefer to be alone, but I decide against it.

"You don't talk much."

I laugh bitterly, and shake my head.

"Why not?"

I shrug again. I know that this is probably annoying her, but I don't want to talk.

"Oh come on! You gotta say something! Just tell me why you won't talk?"

What am I supposed to tell her? My life isn't like a normal teenager's. I can't just start rambling about how I saw this cute guy, but I didn't. Or gossip about the latest news in school, because I'm too busy trying to secure good grades that I don't pay attention to anything. And there's no way in hell that I'm telling anyone about that night.

"Are you crying?" She asks, looking sorry for me. "I'm sorry they kidnapped you... they're not nice when it comes to their work." I don't reply, I just nod. "Can't you just talk?"

She's frustrating me more by the minute. I don't want to talk. But it's not her fault, she doesn't know.

"I'm not going to talk," I nearly whisper, and now tears are leaving my eyes at the speed of bullets. I turn away from her, and head towards the bathroom so I can wash my face.

I lock the bathroom door behind me, and splash water onto my face. I turn on the shower, because a good shower always calms me down. I wait for it to heat up, and I make sure the door is locked.

I make sure it's locked at least five times, and when I finally feel safe enough I take off my clothes, and throw them in a corner of the huge bathroom. This bathroom is fit for royalty. There's a huge mirror with a golden painted frame, and the floor has a tint of gold in it's marble tiles too. There's a variety of shampoos and conditioners, and a rack stacked with towels.

I step into the shower, and hot water quickly starts to calm me down. Caressing the soothing feeling, I start humming a song.

I accidentally drop the shampoo bottle, and jump at the sound. I quickly put it back where it was, and turn off the shower. I grab a towel and wrap myself in it. It's barely covering the essentials, but no one's going to look at me. Besides me.

I look around for my clothes. That's when the truth dawns on me. This isn't my house. The clothes are outside in the room.

Oh no. Oh, no. Oh hell no. But then I remember they're at a party. It's just that girl, and I'm pretty sure she's not a threat.

Cautiously, I open the bathroom door, and scan my surroundings. I slowly tip-toe towards the other side of the room. That's when I spot Adrian walking past the doorway. He stops in his tracks as he notices me, and my heart stops. I run for the closet, as terror fills me up. He probably saw my scars, and might think that I'm a freak.

Plus the fact that I'm downright scared around guys who look like they can overpower me. And that's almost every one. I disappear into the walk-in closet, and shut the door behind me.

I just hope I was fast enough so that he didn't notice much about me.


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OMG ADRIAN, WALK IN ON ME!!! *waves in fangirl*

Adrian: *slowly walks away, until he's running away*


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