32 | You Listen To Me

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The kitchen is on fire.

I hear Gabby yelling at some new recruit, but I don't pay attention to that. My shift is over. I'm heading over to the apartment I asked Mrs. Sherman to rent me. It's just a month until I turn eighteen.

So she agreed.

I just couldn't stay there anymore. It was my fault that Blake is hurt. It's my fault that Anna gets to see her true love broken. And I was such a burden to Adrian.

I don't deserve someone like him. I'm too broken to make him whole. Adrian's mansion wasn't supposed to happen. My dad in jail wasn't supposed to happen.

Some people are meant to be broken. Some people are meant to be hurting. I was made for this, and no one could change that. Adrian's delusional if he thinks he can make a change in my life.

He could have pulled the trigger on me. He should have pulled the trigger on me. He got tangled into something that he wasn't supposed to mess with.

He drank poison. And only if the poison leaves his body can he survive. So, I had to leave.

I'll finish high school, attend college, make my own life. I never needed him. I was fine on my own. He doesn't understand that something so broken can't be fixed.

And he doesn't understand that something so broken can't be broken again.

I enter the apartment I was given. It's not much really. Just a studio apartment, but it's better than being with my dad. It's better than living in an empty mansion feeling trapped.

And it most certainly is better than being a burden to Adrian, Blake and Anna. I know my place. They know theirs. They're the ones who scare. And I'm the one who gets scared.

They're culprits. I'm just a victim.

They're criminals. I'm the crime.

They're the breakers. I'm the broken.

We don't belong together. We never did and we never will. Adrian needs to understand that. Because the sooner he does, the better it is for us. I felt horrible leaving.

I liked him. I loved him. But I was hurting him... them. He made me feel amazing, inside and out, but he wanted my trust, and I knew as soon as I gave it to him, I wouldn't be able to turn back.

I couldn't handcuff myself and give him the key. My entire life, I've been trapped.

All I wanted was freedom. Was that too much to ask? Is it wrong to want something for the first time in your life? The only time in your life? Is it wrong to want what something several have?

It isn't. Then why does everyone in my life think it is?

I splash cold water onto my face, as I remove my sweatshirt revealing the scars on my arms. But that's just what was. It never will be again. Now they're just scars from the chains I broke.

Simple as that.

I'm free. I'm allowed to be me. And for the first time in forever, I smile to myself. It isn't a loving smile like the one I gave to Adrian, it isn't a friendly smile like the one I gave to Anna and Blake. It isn't a fake smile like the one I give to everyone else.

It's a smile that's reserved for me. Only me. It's mine. Only mine.

I'm free. I can live life the way I want to. I'm free. I'm free. I'm free.

All of a sudden, I hear a knock on my door. I cautiously make my way towards it, glancing towards the peephole. It's Mrs. Sherman.

I open the door. She looks... scared. And angry. But mostly scared. "I didn't know you were linked with Black."


"Black. Adrian Black." She lowers here eyes. "I wanted to help you Bailey. You're such a sweet girl. But he just threatened me... and- You're a danger, to me, my family and my business. And keeping you here is illegal. With all odds against me... I have no choice but to ask you to leave. You're fired."

"You..." I feel my heart sink to the bottom. "What? No. Please, let me stay. I'll do anything."

"I'm sorry... you have to leave," She speaks with guilt lacing her voice. My eyes harden, and my eyebrows furrow.

"Fine then," I replied, grabbing almost my entire belongings in a backpack and storm out of there. Adrian has gone too far. If he wants this poison this bad, then I'll straight up give him a bullet.

Who the hell does he think he is?

He can't just waltz back into my life thinking that I'll let him control me. It hasn't even been a day. Not even a day. And I'm not going to mope around back with my father.

I'm not going to hold back, because Adrian just snatched away my freedom for his own selfish purposes. If he's going to be like this, then I'll have to be like this too.

I know the way to Adrian's mansion.

If he wants to fight, then we can fight.

I feel the anger boiling through my veins as I make my way towards Adrian's mansion.


"Bailey!" He exclaims, until he notices me glaring at him.

"Adrian Black," I chuckle dryly. "The boy with everything in his control. Or at least that's what he thinks."

"Bailey, I can-"

"Save it. You. Listen. To. Me." 


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YOSS QUEEN! *waves like a fangirl* we love you bailey!!!! 

okay, i know that at this point, Adrian almost seems like the bad guy, but he isn't. he's just having a hard time sorting out his feelings.. that's all. he'll come around. hopefully. 

thank you for reading! love you!

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