15 | Let's Share

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"Because you're worth it," I tell her. I don't know why I'm so drawn to her, but I think it might be because of her strong heart. No matter how many people try to break it, she's as hopeful as ever. And that's what makes her someone worthwhile.

She takes the plate from my hands, and I take the bowl of ice cream.

"Want to watch TV?"

"Sure," She hums, as she takes a hesitant spoonful from the plate. I take a huge spoonful of the strawberry ice-cream at hand, and gulp it down.

"What do you wanna watch?" I ask her, but figure she probably hasn't watched much television. I could never imagine living in such a hell, and that makes all the more special.

"I don't know," She says in her usual quiet tone. She takes her second spoonful.

"You're a slow eater, you know that?"

"I know."

"Let's watch some sports," I recommend. "Or you can go through the channels and choose one," I hand her the remote, which I most certainly never do. But she deserves every bit of it. She's made it through so much, this is the least the I can do.

When I first told her dad that she's not allowed to come home, he acted all concerned. So I believed that she's only sad because I kidnapped her. But in reality, it was nothing like that.

No wonder she wouldn't come close to me when I'm drunk or smoking.

"What do I press," She asks, as if she doesn't know how to use a remote. I show her the functions of all the buttons, and she starts scrolling through all the channels.

And she finally stops on a movie. To be more specific, Titanic.

"What's this?"


"You mean there's a movie on the tragic sinking of the ship?" She asks, the slightest bit of excitement vibrating from her tone.

"It was a real ship?" I ask, confused. Until now, I thought it was just a movie with an extremely morbid director that made Rose lose the love of her life.

"Yeah, you didn't know?" She asks, shyly.

"I never really paid attention in class," I tell her.

"Because you don't have to... look at this place," She says, her voice like a fragile flower.

"But it would be a dream come true, if I was actually smart," I tell her. For some reason, my words flow freely with her. Involuntarily even.

"You probably are."

"I can't even read."

"That's not your fault. You didn't choose to be dyslexic," She says gently. Her words send a wave of comfort over me.

"I guess. Do you want to play a game?" I change the subject. "You're not even halfway done with your food."

"I'm eating as fast as I can..." She mumbles like a kid.

"You're so skinny."

"I never ate more than once a day."

"That's terrible," I frown. "We have to increase your consumption... slowly of course. Starting tomorrow, you're going to eat twice a day."


"No buts. You should at least eat twice a day," I tell her, leaving no room for argument. She looks at me with an emotion in her eyes that I can't quite catch.


I don't know why Adrian wants to help me, but I'm eternally grateful that he doesn't think I'm a lost cause. Most people would have turned away, thinking I'm some sort of freak with all my scars and trust issues.

I take another spoonful of the food at hand.

I'm not used to eating so much, which makes me eat slow.

"Ice cream?" Adrian offers. "Just once, you won't regret it. Especially strawberry."

"But wouldn't you mind if I used the same spoon as you?" I question.

"No, it's fine. You need to taste this shit. It's so fucking good."

I agree, and take a small portion of the ice cream. He looks at me intently waiting for my reaction. I place it in my mouth, and the deliciousness instantly melts. My eyes widen as the bursts of flavor explode in mouth.

"Good, isn't it," He says, looking at me for feedback.

"I can't believe I've never eaten this before," I tell him.

"More?" He says putting for the bowl in between us.

"Should I go get a different spoon?"

"Nah, the kitchen's too far. We can share."


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when you're in love with a character from your own imagination..... O_O

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