Chapter 7

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I see bright flashing lights. Emergency lights. I'm on the pavement and it's raining. I hear the voices of EMTs but I can't make out what their saying. Panic fills my body when I can't see her. "BETHANY," I keep yelling her name but I can't move and I can't see her. "BETHANY!"

"Come on Kami, wake up," I hear an unfamiliar voice. My eyes jolt open and get to my feet unsteadily in a panic. But I'm in the library and that's Adam speaking with an EMT. I rub my forehead and wince in pain.

"You hit your head pretty hard sweetie, we are going to need to do some stitches," a lady says to me guiding me to sit back down.

After I'm stitched up and passed the concussion test; I officially have a pounding headache. Adam walks over to me with his hands stuffed in his pockets. 

"You really scared the hell out of me." He says to me looking everywhere else but at me. I can't help but to feel a flutter in my stomach at the thought of him being concerned for me.

"I'm good," I tell him as I try to get to my feet again, too quickly. Adam grabs my shoulders to sit me back down. His golden eyes focus straight on me, his hands still lingering. My cheeks flush from his touch and it seems like he just realizes he's touching me and quickly brings his hands back into his pockets. And just as quickly as my cheeks flushed from his touch my chest ached at the release of his touch

"They are going to let me take you home." He says to me.

"No, no you don't need to do that." I frustratingly insist.

"Can't you just let someone help you?" He reaches up one hand and rubs the back of his neck.

I stand back up slowly this time and a little easier but my head is pounding and I know I need help.

"Okay." I say in defeat.

We head to his car and suddenly I wonder if he even lives on campus or what does he study? Also why do I even care to know?!

I break the uncomfortable silence "I'm sorry about the other night, for thinking you were trying to do something to Rebecca. I have a habit of assuming the worst."

He let's out a breath of air in relief. "That's okay, you don't know me." He says to me in a serious tone. "But can I ask you something?" Once again rubbing the back of his neck with one hand. He must do that when he's nervous

Against my better judgment, I say "sure."

"Who is Bethany? You said her name a couple times after you hit your head."

Heat fills my body. And I can feel my chest getting heavy and a lump in my throat forming. "She's an old friend." I say to him as my voice cracks. If only he knew what I've done, I would probably never see those golden eyes look at me again. Just hearing her name sends my body into panic.

He's not satisfied by my answer I can tell so he presses. "You just seemed panicked and in pain.." his voice trails off.

"Look I said she was an old friend. Drop it!" My words come out hateful but my eyes are starting to fill with a years worth of unshed tears.

"Okay, I'm sorry." He stutters our with a look of pain on his face. Thankfully we've arrived back at my dorm I jump out and slam the car door behind me. And head straight up stairs without saying another word. I can hear him in the distant saying my name but I will not let him see me like this. Weak.

What do you think of Kami so far? Rude? Misunderstood? Haunted? I can't wait to share her story with you. Leave me some feedback! Check back next week for more pieces to her story

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