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Zaya POV

Even though I was told to rest on the contrary my brain had other plans. So here I am looking at his case files and people he associates with except, I keep hitting a dead end. That was until I came across Tracy Adkins.

"Tracy Adkins" I mouthed as I wrote her info and questions I wanted to ask her, I just hoped she would cooperate. From the looks of it, she was under his influence and did whatever he commanded. What happened, what changed? She was the one to kick the whole investigation off against him. Once he posted bail nothing... did he scare her off or perhaps paid her off? I need to know.

The next morning after breakfast, I prepared myself and the questions I have for Ms. Adkins again; I hope she shares what she knows. I'll know when I talk to her. As I made my way to my car, I couldn't but feel like I was being watched and it gave me chills but I just could be a little high strung. Because I really didn't take Captain's orders.


Zaya was right, someone was keeping track of her every move. Every corner, she turned, so did the informant. Until she comes to a stop at a brick house that looks like it was built in the 1960s. As she got out of her black 2017 Nissan Versa Sedan. She looked around again to make sure the coast was clear while approaching the cozy home. The informant watches her with such scrutiny. He desired to do a hit and run. But chose otherwise, he understood that his boss would kill him without a second thought. He knew his position and if he wanted to keep his life, he better obey.

Zaya POV

"Hello... Ms. Adkins?!" I knocked on the door for a second time and with no response. I was going to leave but the door opened, there stood a tall thin lady with long jet black hair. She looks like she just got in from the store, considering how she was holding her car keys in one and holding groceries in the other.

"Can I help you?" She asked with a half-smile. She seems like a nice lady. I just hoped she could shed some light on Blu.

"Hello, my name is Zaya Reese, I am with the DPD, I would like for you to answer a few questions about B-

"Don't say his name and I already did my part just leave me alone" Her eyes flashed with fear shooing me away, but I stood my ground not willing to take no for an answer.

"Ms. Adkins, please am not asking you to get involved with the situation. I just need some answers to take him down, just give me a few clues." I pleaded again hoping she would change her mind. As I watched her eyes dart in every direction before glaring at me as she stepped aside to let me in. "Nice house."

"Yeah... let's get this over with." She said with a poker-faced but I know she was screaming on the inside, but I am grateful though for her bravery. "What do you want to know?"

"How long have you been familiar with... you know who?"

"Four year's next question?" She said with a forced smile.

"Can you give me a little more history with the gentleman in question"

"Gentleman" She scoffed, taking out a cigarette nervously shaking to light it. "Don't let his good-looks bewitch you, he's a scoundrel and men-

"Menace... I know Captain Monroe has alr-

"He's the reason why I'm in this mess and if I were you, I would step down while the getting is good."

"Wait... what does the Captain have to do with this?" I asked with a furrowed brow as she snapped her head at me with a jittery right leg.

"Oh... I see Monroe has neglected to tell you about the other six people who had the same idea as you including me. Take. Michael. Down. We all had just as much a tenacity as you."

Bound To Love 18+Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora