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september 23, 2020

so last night i tried shifting again. i first did the alice in wonderland method, but that didn't work. some signs i got though were twitching a little bit, felt like i was levitating, and i heard crickets. but i'm not sure if the crickets were from my cr or dr. i feel like i did better my first attempt since i wasn't so determined to do it last night because i wanted to watch the movies first. i think i will watch the movies over the weekend. as i've already said, it's pretty much useless to go to a reality when you know nothing about it. 

for the signs like twitching and jerking, i am kind of skeptical about them. i feel like that is only happening to the body because we have not moved for a long time. so tonight, i might just not move without a method and see if i get any of those signs. i will let you know tomorrow if it worked.

update: later in the day, my friend explained to me that i don't need to exactly know the story of hogwarts in order to have all the hogwarts stuff. like she said that i'm not creating the reality, so there will be characters i'm not even aware of in my reality. i'm not sure if i believe her though, coming from someone who hasn't been able to shift yet. please let me know if she's correct or incorrect.

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