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i don't always use this routine before i shift, but i'm putting it out here for you guys if you wanna try!

throughout the day, i try my best to stay calm. i every once in a while think about my dr. also, stay hydrated! apparently staying hydrated can increase your shifting success. a lot of people like to meditate during the day, but i don't.

when i'm about to go to sleep, i first do a quick guided meditation video. yesterday, i used this one: i really liked it! as i said i have a hard time falling asleep and i heard meditation gets you ready for bed and makes you more tired and relaxed.

then, i read my script out loud. i only read it once because it's super long, but you can read it as many times as you want (mine takes around 20 minutes to read in my head and around 30 minutes out loud)! i do this because i want to have that shifting mindset ready and it can also help you remember things when you visualize during methods.

next, i close my computer and get into bed. i get super hot when i can't move for a while, so i take off my blankets. then, i take a few deep breaths, and close my eyes and start my method!

update (from later on this day): so i actually just right now did a guided meditation video and it really helped with positivity! i might decide to start doing short meditation videos during the day to keep my calming system in check; here is the link if you're interested:

here are also the links to some other meditation videos i have tried:

the reason i didn't mention them before is because they're a bit too long for me (i'm impatient teehee) so i was never able to finish them. 5 minutes is the maximum for me.

update (from october 4): even though this video is 20 minutes long, i watch till 5:38 and it really helped me to relax and it was super calming. i needed something for the daytime rather than one that you're supposed to do before you fall asleep. the link is here:

after i meditate, i listen to a harry potter spotify list that my friend made (thanks angie lol), and it has all of the songs that remind me of hogwarts. i don't listen to it for that long, only when i am getting ready for bed like when i brush my teeth and stuff. i also listen to it during the day, like when i'm doing homework.

WHY IT IS GOOD TO SHIFT ON CELESTIAL EVENTS: ok hi so right now it's the 16th of october and i'm really really positive i will shift tonight! today is a celestial event (a new moon i believe) so if you're planning on shifting, today would be a good day. so why should you shift on celestial events? well, i only just found this out, but celestial events have high spiritual energy, and shifting is all on your spiritual energy. that's why people take breaks from shifting, because you don't want to drain all your spiritual energy! so i guess the higher the spiritual energy, the higher chances you have of successfully shifting. so hydrate your body, read your script, meditate, play that subliminal, and get onto shifting!

shifting realities: hogwartsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ