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SCENE 1: Its the first day after marriage and vansh is still sleeping on the couch and riddhima takes a bath and comes out

Riddhima: Today is the first day after marriage i cant be late! And i have to wake up Vansh also, yesterday i had heard him speaking on the phone that he had an important meeting at 11:00 and its 10:00 and he still hasn't woken up..........Vansh wake up you will get late....vansh

Vansh: Good morning what is the time?

Riddhima: Its 10:00.

Vansh: What!! Oh shit i will be late damnn it!!

Riddhima: Vansh relax dont worry, go and fresh up..

SCENE 2: Riddhima comes down.

Grandma: Good Riddhima, you came finally where is Vansh?

Riddhima: He is getting ready.

Grandma: Oh, he is never usually late right?

Riddhima: Yeah, maybe he was tired.

Grandma: Ohk, you come with me to the kitchen,we have to do a ritual...you know right, you have to make something for the family...so what will you prepare..?

Riddhima: Yeah i know grandma....I am thinking about making something sweet like kheer?

Grandma: Ok, Mrs.Dsouza will help if you need anything ok?

Riddhima: Yeah, sure.

Grandma: And dont add any dry fruits Vansh doesn't like it.

Riddhima: Does he have any allergy?

Grandma: No, he generally doesn't like them, ok i will leave you start preparing.

Riddhima starts preparing the kheer. Ishani comes in.

Ishani: Oh, you are making kheer? Please add dry fruits i love them.

Riddhima: But ishani your brother doesn't like it right?

Ishani: Oh please, now even food will be according to him?

Ishani leaves. Everyone is waiting on the dining table for kheer.

Riddhima: Here you go everyone kheer!

Grandma: But, riddhima i told you not to add any dry fruits right, then why did you add now Vansh will not eat it.

Riddhima: I know grandma, but trust me he will taste it you dont worry.

Grandma: Ok, take this to the room, he said he had an important call to attend.

Riddhima: Ok.

SCENE 2: Riddhima takes the kheer in a cup and gives it to Vansh

Riddhima: Grandma told to give it to you...here take it...

Vansh: I am sorry i would have eaten it..if it didn't have the dry fruits.

Riddhima: Ok fine, tell me did you ever taste the dry fruits and thats why you dont like it?

Vansh: No, i just generally dont like them..

Riddhima: See you dont like a thing and dont even have a strong reason for it, just try it once and then if you still dont like it, when next time someone asks tell them i dont like the taste.

Vansh: Fair enough.

He tastes and his face has a surprised feeling.

Vansh's pov: The same taste, just the way she used to make it!

Vansh: Its really good and the dry fruits, they are also good.

Riddhima: See i told you right.

Vansh: Yeah.

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