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Riddhima: Vansh, that, i..i..

Vansh: Relax sweetheart, why are you so tensed i was just messing around with you! But the look on your face was soo priceless! Now tell me which truth was dev talking about??

Dev: Nothing Mr.Vansh..

Vansh: Riddhima, you tell me...

Riddhima: It was nothing vansh, we were talking about kabir, and he was asking me if i had told you the truth that's it!

Vansh: Oh don't worry dev she has told me everything about her past, i am sorry to barge in like this, i left some of my files here, so i will take them and leave and you can continue...

Dev: Oh yeah sure!

Vansh leaves..

Dev: You told him about kabir also?

Riddhima: Yeah, kabir was kind of getting closer to telling the truth to him, and if Vansh had heard it from,he would always think of it as a wrong way, so i had to come clean in that matter before!

Dev: Good! *gets a call* I need to attend this call, i will talk to you later?!

Riddhima: Yeah, i also have some work!

SCENE 2: Dadi talk to riddhima..

Riddhima: Dadi, why are you preparing for a puja?

Dadi: Because, i prayed to god that if Vansh gets well soon, i will arrange a puja thats why!

Riddhima: Shall i help you?

Dadi: No, i have called the workers and they will arrange it, you don't worry! Go and rest, yesterday you didn't sleep right!

Riddhima: Ok dadi..

Riddhima leaves..

SCENE 3: Kabir is in his office..

Kabir's pov: This riddhima, is backfiring all my plans! And with her being there i can't get to Vansh! I have to send her away from Vansh as soon as possible! But how! I know everything about her, and now she has even come even clean about me and I can't even use that against her! When i thought to trap her, i never actually did a background check deeply! I have to dig her past, there must be something that i can get my hands onto! *calls his assistant jay*

Kabir: Jay, try to find out everything about riddhima

Jay: But we know everything about her right sir!

Kabir: We know what she told us! There must be something in her past, that can be a ticking time bomb which is waiting to explode!

Jay: Yeah sir, i will find out!

SCENE 4: Riddhima sees dev sad and talks to him...

Riddhima: Dev, is everything alright, you seem sad?

Dev: I am having the worst day of my life!

Riddhima: Why?

Dev : Misha broke up with me! And i lost a patient who was close to me! I feel like who ever gets close to me either ends up dead or decides to leave me! Why riddhima! Why am i never good enough! I feel like there is no reason to get up for in the morning!

Riddhima: Dev! This is not you! You always look on the positive side of each situation!

Dev: I know but it just has become too much to handle! I mean there is no hope left!

Riddhima: Bad things happen, but you have to move past it. Leave it behind. The sooner, the better. Or it'll eat away at you and stop you from moving forward. It always feels like there is just one person in this world to love. And then you find somebody else, and it just seems crazy that you were ever worried in the first place. And coming to your patient, think of that as a whole, think where did your treatment go wrong and try changing that in other patient! Progress looks like a bunch of failures!

𝙶𝙰𝙼𝙴 𝙾𝙵 𝙷𝙴𝙰𝚁𝚃𝚂 ||✅Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon