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It's been two days since the attack and today I finally get to go training with Liam. He has been busy dealing with the security measures for the pack while making sure all the other packs in the region are still keeping their alliance.

From what I've learnt, every year there is a conference of all the Alphas of this region and they decide on who will be the leader amongst them, the Alpha of Alphas. The Wolf Moon Pack has had that honour for decades and even to this day, everyone unanimously chooses it to lead the Werewolf Community.

If anyone disagrees with the decision of the conference, they are allowed to challenge the Alpha for the title; something that happened with Liam's great grandfather once. The fight proceeds until one Alpha admits defeat, or it ends with death. The surviving fighter is declared the winner and gets to keep the title.

I have barely seen Liam in the last couple of days so I am very excited to be spending the day with him. The Christmas party is tomorrow and two days after that is my Luna Ceremony. I had a few doubts about it when I initially agreed with Liam but every day that I spend with him makes me want to be with him more.

I wish I could blame Jade for it since she has gotten stronger and a lot more annoying after being with him, but honestly, I think I would've developed feelings for him even if she weren't here. That being said, she definitely has been making things worse with her constant wishing for him to mark us. The fact that Liam can literally smell it when I'm barely turned on is no help either. It gets harder to control myself around him everyday, and frankly, I don't think I want to anymore.

I get ready for training, wearing black tights and a grey tank top. Slipping on a light jacket, I head downstairs for breakfast. It's still very cold outside but one of the advantages of Jade's newfound strength is that I don't feel it as much anymore.

I walk into the kitchen and am greeted by Betty. She is a kind, old lady, with blonde hair that is slowly being replaced by silver. Her dark brown eyes look up to spot me as I enter and she smiles at me, the wrinkles around her eyes becoming more prominent with the action.

Liam finally hired her to cook for us since he realised we were too lazy to walk to the pack house three times a day.

"Good morning, Luna. What would you like to have for breakfast," she sweetly asks.

"Hmm, I feel like having a cheese omelette today. And I have told you to call me April," I chide. I am trying to get used to people calling me that but Betty is old enough to be my mother and I see her every day. There is no need for formalities.

"One cheese omelette coming right up, April," she emphasises the name with a small smirk.

I walk back to the living room while I wait for breakfast and try to gather the courage to call my Mom. It's time I tell her about Liam and my plans for joining the pack.

It rings a few times and I secretly wish she won't answer but to my dismay, she picks up.

"Hey, Mom," I exclaim, trying to hide the nervousness in my voice. I know she won't like what I have to say but I still have to tell her.

"Hey, sweetie! How are you? I feel like we haven't talked in ages," she responds.

"I'm great, Mom. And we talked two days ago," I say with an eye roll even though I know she can't see it. "How is Europe?"

"It's so beautiful. We're having the best time. We're going to Paris tonight for Christmas."

"That's amazing!"

"I'm just sad we couldn't spend it with you. I don't want you to be alone on Christmas," she says pensively.

Now is the time to spill the beans, April.

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