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"Mihir"Sumi said

Everyone looks at them

UV,kuhu were shocked to see Ragbhir has he was looking like their mahir bhai..
Andy looked at Ragbhir..

"Thank god..Andy see finally our mihir is here ...he is safe n fine"Sumi said caressing his face while tears while from her eyes..

"Aunty am Ragbhir... shravani Bela tell them"Ragbhir said..

"Maa he is Ragbhir not mihir"Bela n shravani said together

"No he is my Mihir...I know it"Sumi said

"Wait Sumi"Andy said

"Ragbhir what about your parents where are they"Andy said

"Uncle am orphan ...Ragbhir said...

"You're not orphan have family see
Am ur mom,he is ur dad,nd their ur siblings"Sumi said cupping Ragbhir face..

"Sumi"Andy said

"Mihir say did you have mark on your back or not"Sumi asked to confirm

"Yeah I have"Ragbhir said

"Then your my child I thought we lost you in that accident but you're alive thank you Soo God for giving me my child"Sumi said hugging him

"Maa dad your never said about mihir Bhai"Uv asked kuhu nodded her head

"Bcz we thought we lost mihir in that accident n don't want to talk about it... but still my heart says my Mihir is that he is safe..N I got him again in my life"Sumi said..

"What did you lost mihir Bhai"kuhu asked

"Mahir n mihir were twins...ur dad's brother ....after 7yrs of his marriage he didn't have child but he always treats both mahir n mihir as his own...
But More than mahir .... mihir were close to him n his wife wherever their go Mihir will also go with them...more than  us he spent all his time with fine day their
3went out to our phone call we got to know that their while returning in from forest area all died in spot
But a boy body found in Forest area their told it's only mihir but I didn't assume it..but now my Mihir safe.."Sumi said

[Actually to real mihir ...he was just in unconscious state in the forest area... their were some orphanage child came saw mihir... infromed to the their orphanage manager... their took to mihir to hospital admitted him... after doctor treated him... Their came to mihir lost his memory..even his own name..
Orphanage took charge Mihir takes him with them.. named him Ragbhir
So Ragbhir is mihir]

"Then for real u  alll are my family members" mihir asked

"Noo Ragbhir opps mihir their are just joking"Bela said while laughing.....

Their laughed ...the family shared hugg with no time mihir mingled with his family ...Sumi was happy that she got her son...she hope soon her mahir n bela together...even gladly Sumi n Andy accepted relationship of Mihir & shravani
ND the misunderstanding too..

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