II: Again

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II: Again
August 25, 2014

Harry made his way down the dark street, the only light provided by the various street lights placed on certain parts of the sidewalk.

Harry's thoughts were constantly on about the ginger haired girl who had bumped into him. Who would even wear sunglasses inside? Of course Harry didn't have a problem with her, he wasn't one to judge, it was just out of plain and innocent curiosity.

Popular was the one word as to what Harry's peers labeled him as. Labels were what everyone in this society used. Everyone was unique, no doubt about that, but everyone has at least one thing in common with someone else. That's when there was a label placed on them, what their peers thought they were, not what they actually are.

"Hey, mate, mind buying me a pack of cigs?"  A man placed his large hand on Harry's shoulder.

"Would love to, but M'going to see my mum, in a bit of rush at the moment," Harry tried to let the man down easily. He didn't want trouble, he didn't have the time for the possible trouble that could come his way.

When Harry had said that he was in a rush to see his mum, he wasn't lying. A couple minutes before he received a call from his stepfather, Robin, that his mum had collapsed on the floor of the Outback restaurant, he had scurried over from his job.

"You best not be lying to me, Man, I really need those fags for a couple of my friends," the man shook his head in disappointment. "But you seem genuinely panicked, so you're going to be let off, yeah?"

Nodding his head, Harry agreed. If he wasn't in such a rush to get to his mum, he would set this guy straight. 

"Good luck getting your cigarettes, mate," Harry bids a quick farewell and picks up his pace from what it originally was to get to his car. 

.  .  .

Strolling into the hospital's waiting room, Harry takes long strides, making sure he doesn't look as frantic on the outside as he feels on the inside. He walks up to the front desk where a girl with bleached blonde hair is talking on the hospital's provided telephone. 

"Yes, Mr. Foyer is here, Ma'am," the girl sighs.

Harry raises an eyebrow at the girl, even though she isn't paying attention to him. I wonder how many times a day she talks on this phone, he wonders to himself.

The sound of the bottom of Harry's boot is amplified as the chatters of the waiting room quieted down. He slows his tapping of his foot down, trying to make the noise quieter.

"Do you need something sir?" Harry hears the same bleached blonde speak, eventually looking at her and seeing that she no longer has the telephone held to her ear by her shoulder.

"Yeah," Harry scratches the nape of his neck. "I'm here to see Anne Twist?"

The girl nods, turning to her computer and typing his mum's name in. "And how are you related to her, sir?"

"She's my mother."

She looks up, strands of hair covering her eyes now. "Alright, she's in room 212. Just go down the hallway straight across from us and make a right."

"Alright, thanks," Harry forces a smile.

Following the blonde's directions, rather trying to follow the blonde's directions, Harry walks into the wrong room twice, but finally makes it to his mum's room.

When Harry takes his usual long strides into the room, he sees Robin asleep in a chair across from the bed his mum is laying in. 

Slowing down his steps, Harry walks further into the room to see if his mum is awake. 

"Harry?" His mum asks lightly, looking directly at Harry.

Walking forward to the end of the hospital bed, Harry is glad to see that she's awake. "How are you, Mum?"

Anne's face breaks into a smile. "The doctors say I'm doing pretty well and if I keep doing good, I can be discharged by tomorrow evening."

"That's great, M'happy for you," Harry says. "But I was asking how you think you're doing."

"I feel absolutely fine, Harry, I just didn't eat a couple of meals-"

"Why?" Harry blurts.

"The work load was just too much these past couple of days. You know how hard it is for me to keep up with all this paperwork."

Harry nods. "This is why I told you to get a personal assistant, Mum. You even just admitted that all the work is beginning to be too much."

"It would help if you'd begin to take over the company," Anne mutters, hoping that Harry hears.

Harry scoffs, "Could you please stop trying to convince me to take over the company? It's not something I'm interested in, just please, this one time, just leave it alone."

Anne's expression softens and she nods. "I know, I'm sorry. I'll try and get an ad for a personal assistant up," Harry's demeanor softens, but he knows his mum won't do it without getting somethig from him. "However, you have to the interview process."

"Mum," Harry says, his eyes slightly wide. "You can't seriously be trusting me to hire someone?"

Anne rolls her eyes playfully. "Isn't that just what I asked of you?"

"Yes, but-"

Interjecting Anne says, "I will give you specific requirements to keep in mind when interviewing people, but they won't be so specific that you can't hire anyone."

Sighing, Harry finally gives in. He tells his mum that he'll do it and to call him when she wants him to come to interview the potential people that will want to be his mum's personal assistant before he leaves the hospital room.

As Harry goes to exit out of the hospital, the blonde calls him from the front desk.

"If you ever want to talk," She winks, handing Harry a piece of folded and crumpled up paper.

Harry rolls his eyes internally and takes the piece of paper before turning around and walking out of the hospital. On the way to his car, he throws the paper in the trash can.


-I'm so sorry for not updating! For all the trouble, here's a longer update and there will be a possible double update today!

-Thank you to those that will vote and possibly comment on this!

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