Many Months Later

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The days and months flew by. Blake and I grew closer. Our bond was amazing.  He became my best friend. I definitely found a great guy. He cleans, cooks, thinks of the little things, and always remembers to get me flowers. I get those once a week. Definitely have to brag here.

"Sil, I brought your favorite breakfast. Goetta, Potatoes with cheese, Scrambled eggs with cheese, and Toast with Strawberry jelly. Also your coffee with carmel creamer." Beamed Blake.

"Thank you. So my handsome wonderful boyfriend, what is the game plan today?" I asked.

"Well, you my love are going to get dressed and have a girls day with Autumn and Sally." He replied.

After getting dressed, I headed over next door. I loved their cabin. It was so farm like and cozy. They both had become great friends. Sally did a great job watching over my aunt. Although undercover as my mom, in my heart she was my aunt.

"So how about we do our hair and nails together and have lunch later? How's things going with Blake? Anything big happening yet?" Inquired Autumn.

" Nothing yet! When that happens, I will tell you. Right now we are just enjoying each other and getting to know each other. I know it's been almost a year since we got here. We both liked each other for a while, just timing was off." I responded.

" Well, no one has got to him the way you have. Let me see here, Autumn how does that saying go? Blake and Sil sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G. First comes love, then comes marriage, and then Sil and Blake with a baby carriage. " Joked Sally finishing up my nails, while Autumn did my hair.

" You two! Whose idea was it for you two to live together." I laughed.

I always have a great time with them two. We all got along great. So relieved the past was behind us and we could just enjoy life.

" Honey, I'm home!" I yelled coming through the door.

"You look so beautiful." He marveled.

"So where we headed babe? Are you going to take me out to some fancy place and then get me my favorite chocolates?" I implored.

" You just wait and see!" He answered as he took my hand. He then took me down by the beach. There was the beginning of a gazebo set up. Still needed a roof.  On the deck of the gazebo was table, chairs, and a candlelight dinner set up. The stars were so pretty. It was a beautiful night out.  

"Follow me!" He yelled, as he held my hand. I followed him. There was a trail of daisies, orchids, and roses. On the beach in the sand was written: Would you Marry me? He got down on his one knee.

" Lydia Marie Goven. You are my best friend. From the moment I met you I couldn't take my eyes off you. We have been through so much. Life is so short. And if you want a long engagement I can wait. However, will you marry me 1 week from today?" He stammered nervously.

"Why, yes I will marry you Brennen Howard Davis!" I screamed.

We went back to our home. I hadn't ever felt so loved  by any man in my life. We got home and just like the beginning, I couldn't keep my hands off him and him me. He took and I took. In 1 week, I would be Mrs. Davis. Undercover though I'd be Mrs. Tanner.

The days flew by. We had so much to prepare before the big day.  Only 2 days before our big day. My boutique was of oriental lilies. The food and cake were being prepared by Sally. Sally was helping with the planning. My aunt was helping me with all my emotions.

"I can't believe I'm getting married. The beach is so perfect. Life threw us some curveballs, however we are doing great! Just wish my parents could be here for the wedding." I sniffled, as I wiped tears from my eyes.

"You got this. Blake is a great guy. Your going to have a great life. When it comes to kids, I'll be here to help. I know none of this was planned. It all worked out though. I'm here always. Literally next door. Now you go get some rest. Your wedding will be here before you know it. " Autumn reassured me.

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