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I was awoken to a gun shot. I jumped up. Thought the worst. I didn't see Blake in his bed from the corner of my room. I knew the drill. We both did. Sadly neither of us could get each other or it risked our lives. I quickly grabbed my flashlight and shoes and went into the secret tunnel. As I went toward the meeting spot I saw Sally, Autumn, but not David or Blake. I started crying and running.

"Where's Blake? What happened? Don't lie to me! I have to know!" I cried.

" I have some bad news. Blake was outside and was shot. We don't have all the details. David is with him." emphasized Sally.

" I have to go to him. Please take me to him. He needs me. I love him. " I whispered loudly.

" I know you want to go. However its not safe till we know more details. After we know more. I might be able to take you to him. David will protect him. He's one of the best agents other than Blake that we have." Sally assured me and gave me a hug.

It had been days and no news. My wedding day had came and gone. I had no idea what was going on. 

"My patience is almost gone! I want answers now! I'm tired of being down here!" I screamed.

"Silvey, Blake is in the hospital in a city not far from here. They are taking great care of him." Responded Sally.

"Take me to him now or I will find some way out of here. Walking! Swimming! I don't care! I know the risks! There are disguises! We were to be married by now. " I roared.

"Sally, I can't calm her down. Being down here is getting to her. Please let her see him. After all she is right, they were almost married." Begged Autumn.

"This is completely against protocol. However I have a disguise that will work." stated Sally.

My aunt and I were going together to see him.  My heart ached and my eyes were so puffy from crying. I felt like it had been pulled and ripped from my chest. He was my best and my world. I was trying to not imagine the worst, yet preparing myself for it.

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