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Grian darted around the corner of his barge, hoping to lose the H.E.P. agent chasing him throughout the shopping district. He had been spotted placing mycelium over by The Redzone, Bdubs and xB's shop, who both had been having a staff meeting in the office. Now, the wide-eyed, smiley, red bandanna-wearing man was hot on his little fungi tail.

His hot breath left tendrils of smoke curling from his lips as it escaped into the brisk fall air. "Grian!" he heard Bdubs yell after him. "Get your spore-covered hands back here!"

Grian pumped his legs even faster, heading in the direction of Welsmart, feet pounding against the sandstone and birch road. "I don't think so!" he shouted over his shoulder. As he neared the water's edge, he flared his wings, launching into the sky.

The relief was short-lived as Bdubs rocketed on elytra after him. He chased him far out into the ocean and back again. Round and around the shopping island they raced until Bdubs ran out of rockets. The good thing about wings is that they last as long as you have the energy. And today, like most other days, Grian had some to spare. "Not today, Bdubs!" Grian yelled as the raven-haired man landed clumsily on shore. "Go tell Scar to lick his diamonds and leave the Resistance the heck alone." Chuckling as Bdubs yelled at him in annoyance, he pumped his lilac wings and soared higher into the sky, the blue of the ocean spanning for miles around him.

Twirling around and lazily loop-de-looping, he thought back to how he got his wings, as he often does whilst flying. The Watchers has given them to him. They may not have been the nicest pr most-friendly of people, but they weren't horrible. They took good care of him, gave him powers, and made him the head Watcher of Evo, the old server he was admin of. No, the Watchers weren't bad at all. Especially when comparing to an old friend of his- (oh look, an AU where the Watchers ain't all bad. Never thought I'd see the day-)

Ah, the good ole days of Evo. The escape from high school. Grian shuddered at the thought his pre-adult life.

Gliding through the air was relaxing. Freeing. Like you are in your own world for a moment. And for that moment, the world felt right.


"I couldn't catch him, sir." Bdubs knelt on one knee at the bottom of the diamond throne, head bowed.

Up in the seat, there sat a man in a purple coat, with black and yellow striped pants, a spectacle on his face. "What ever do you mean, Bdubs?" His hand lazily stroked a cat, her silver and white for glistening in the white and blue light of the beacon chandelier.

"He flew away too quickly for me to catch him."

"Bdubs, Bdubs, Bdubs... Thank you for the hard work. I actually have a gift for you."

"You always have a gift for me!" the Captain of the Mayor exclaimed, looking upwards. The mayor nodded and climbed down the ladder. "You always do!"

"Follow me to my office." Scar grabbed Jellie and stood up, descending the throne and climbing to his second-floor office, Bdubs right behind. "Also, I've been meaning to tell you: Cub has been given the employee of the month award."

Bdubs stopped in his tracks. "WAT!?"

"Oh calm down. He's just been doing such a good job with collecting road passes and stopping resistance supporters that he got his name on a plaque in my office is all." Scar entered the office and took a seat at his desk, Bdubs hanging in the doorway. The wizard mayor summoned a second chair for Bdubs to sit in. "Come sit." Bdubs tentatively entered the room, his footfalls whispers of air. "Why the sad face?"

Bdubs' usual smile had disappeared. "Did you know that Cub has been- been... harassing me, and annoying me!? Why does he get it!? All he does is collect taxes!" He crossed his arms and plopped into the chair.

"How about this." Scar leaned forward, placing his elbows on the desk and chin in his hands. "If you can find the entrance to their HQ, then you can have Employee of the Year."

Smiling one again, Bdubs replied, "I won't let you down, Mayor Scar!"

"I know you won't. That's why I chose you as my campaign captain, after all!" Scar smiled, a hint of something in his eyes. Jellie purred from her position on his lap, yawing and falling asleep.

"So, what's this present you're talking about?"







I know it's a little early for this, but any theories? —>

(This was sorta proof-read? Sorry for any spelling or grammar mistakes)

Maya <3

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