Emojis & Feelings

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"Sometimes we break so beautiful and you know you're not the only one. I breathe you in so sweet and powerful. Like a wildfire burning up inside my lungs." —Syml.

Chapter Theme Song: 'Wildfire' by Syml.


~Previously on: Rescue My Drowning Heart:

Blaze Xander, a heartless and emotionally detached second year meets Harmony Skye, a shy first year, and decides to go on a quest to have sex with her. However, Harmony is oblivious to this and ends up falling into Blaze's swooning charm, propelling her to do things she wouldn't normally do. Blaze has her easily wrapped around his finger, but his plans are wavering because he finds himself hanging around Harmony without the intention of sleeping with her. He likes her company and her voice and is second thinking drastically about taking the virginity of a poor innocent girl who sticks by him through it all. Blaze is falling slowly, while Harmony? She has already fallen for the complex Blaze Xander. In the previous chapter a drunken Blaze shows up at Harmony's room and she sings to him until he falls asleep then admits to herself that she is indeed falling for him.

Find out more below!



I wake up to the vibrant morning sun emitting through the window of my dorm room.

I turn a sleepy face around, expecting to see Blaze but a note lies in his spot instead. I blink away the beads in my eyes and sit up, taking it from the pillow and reading the words written there.

Good morning, sweet voice❤️Your angelic tone made me sleep well last night, thank you. I left first because I didn't bring my toothbrush or rag to shower, or else we could have showered together ;-).

P.S: By the way, you talk in your sleep :-P. You said: "Oh I think I am falling for Blaze."

My eyes bulge from their sockets as I read the last line.

No, I definitely did not say that, did I?

I am on the verge of pulling at my hair when the next clause of the letter sets my worries free, and I noticed that he had also enclosed his number at the bottom.

I am kidding lol. Here's my number, call me if you need me❤️

Rereading the entire letter from start to finish, a huge smile breaks out on my face. He sure is something else. I try not to read into the heart symbols he used; I am certain that they mean nothing. Collum and I exchange them between each other all the time, but something about Blaze using them makes my heart flutter rapidly in my chest.

I fetch my phone from the nightstand and punch his number in, saving his name as 'Blaze❤'

Feeling like the heart emoji is too much, I contemplate whether to erase it, but he wouldn't see it anyway, so I settle with just leaving it be. I purse my lips and decide to shoot him a text, hoping it is not too soon.

Good Morning, thanks for the number, appreciate it.


I smile and put my phone down then hop down from the bed. Flinching at the cold tiles, I scuttle my way to the bathroom for a shower.


I am out in no time because it's already 7:30 am and I wouldn't want to be late for Literature. My phone dings from the bedside table while I get dressed, and I take it up to see a text from Blaze. I would be lying if I said my heart didn't just skip a beat.

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