Part II| Can You Understand My Tears?

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"It's something that I'll never know, how you can love someone so broken, so right." —Jess Glynne.

Chapter Theme Song: 'Broken' by Jess Glynne.

AN: Hey Guys! Very important, please listen to the above song when Harmony sings it in the chapter, it may not make much sense if you don't, lol.


Third Person POV

Blaze opens the transparent door that leads to the music room, Harmony's hand firmly interlaced with his as he steps in. The crisp air conditions drafting over the room doesn't ease her anxiety since she can still feel her palms becoming clammy from unease.

She is standing behind his tall figure like a timid kitten, and between the narrow spaces of his arm, she can see a few heads twisted in their direction. As usual.

Oh, how she hates the spotlight.

Blaze glances down at her from over his shoulders, amused by her hiding behind him. "Hey, don't be afraid, alright? I got you, green eyes."

She smiles up at him. "Thank you, Blaze."

Maddie, who sits with Malcolm in the far-left corner, immediately notices Blaze's presence. Her face pipes up in a blink, and she gestures to call out to him when a short figure appears from behind him.

Her smile slowly fades at the sight of Harmony and is instantly replaced with an unpleasant glare of resentment. She has been seeing this girl around him a lot since her return. And she doesn't like it.

Justine smiles and nods her head at her new attendees, and Harmony returns a genuine one as she quickly goes to find a seat. Blaze follows her, and they sit side by side while Justine talks to the group about the upcoming concert.

Spotting Malcolm amidst the numerous bodies, Harmony lifts her hand in a wave. He grins and reciprocates the greeting. Maddie gazes in her direction, and Harmony tries to smile at her, but she just looks away with an obvious frown hanging from her features.

"You know they really should start giving free food here." Blaze complains, and Harmony shifts her gaze from the weird girl and to him, chuckling at his need to always be eating at the music meetings.

"I forgot to grab some snacks before coming here. God, now I'm hungry."

"Well, eating is not legal here." She points at the 'NO EATING' sign on the wall to punctuate it, and he frowns.

"I don't follow rules, green eyes."

Oh, she knows.

"And our lead singer will be Harmony Skye!"

She jerks at the sound of her name, turning her attention to the front of the room where Justine is pointing at her while the room applauds. Claps and whistles echo off the walls, and Harmony begins to feel terribly shy.

"She will be our lead singer! Give her some love, guys!" Justine continues while clapping her hands.

The roars get louder, and she blushes awkwardly. She hates the spotlight whether it's good or bad, having no idea how to react when a variety of orbs, all in different shapes and colors, are on her.

"Thanks." She smiles and nods her head at them, oblivious to a pair of envious eyes that are watching her from across the room. Maddie.

"Sing for us!" A boy holding a saxophone, yells.

Oh, no.

"Yes, sing for us, please!" A girl agrees while she clasps her hands pleadingly. "You did so amazingly last time! Let us hear it again!"

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