Dark Side

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"When you feel my heat, look into my eyes, it's where my demons hide. Don't get too close, it's dark inside, it's where my demons hide." —Imagine Dragons.

Chapter Theme Song: 'Demons' by Imagine Dragons.


~Previously on: Rescue My Drowning Heart.

Blaze was on the verge of killing Mr. Jones for touching Harmony but was interrupted by the teachers returning to the staffroom. He was then taken to the Chairman's office because Mr. Jones had reported him for having a knife in his possession. Blaze leaves the Chairman's office, who is also his uncle, angry because he refused to fire Mr. Jones. Blaze is determined to take matters up into his hand so that Mr. Jones will never dream of touching Harmony ever again.

Find Out More Below!



It is nearing nightfall and all the teachers have left the staffroom. The hairpin that the chick gave me earlier comes in handy once again since the large doors that lead to the lecturers' quarter is locked from the inside.

If I hadn't seen the pervert's red jeep in the parking lot, I would have thought he had already left due to how quiet and dark the room is. As I enter, I can see the faint yellow glow of his office ceiling light, seeping through the narrow creases at the top of his wooden door.

I know he's one of those teachers who like staying back to mark test papers, perhaps not happy with his marital life which is why he preys on young females. Pathetic little fucker.

He is shutting his computer down when the door to his office creaks open, and he turns his head in the direction just to be graced by my psychotic presence.

"Good evening, Mr. Jones."

The color drains from his face immediately, eyes growing wide in his head at my composed frame leaning against the door jamb, my hands tucked into my pockets.

I am very much aware that I look like the sociopath I truly am right now, and Mr. Jones' terrified expression is enough to confirm it.

"Wh-what are you doing here?"

"I don't know, I just think it's very rude to leave when we haven't finished playing yet." My tone is low and calm but somehow manages to scare him out of his wits. The sudden shaking of his limbs being solid proof.

"I will—!"

"Report me?" I raise a brow. "Well haven't you already done that?"

He quickly reaches for his telephone, and I walk in and grab his wrist painfully, twisting it around and earning a small cry from him as the telephone collides with his desk.

The pain on his face is substantially satisfying to my sadistic nature.

"Ahhhh! L-let my arm go."

I am hearing the opposite because I spin his wrist even more, hearing his bones crackle under my hold as he buckles his knees in pain.

"Ahh! Shit! You're breaking my hand...let it go!"

My eyes locate a photo of his family on his desk, and a dark chuckle passes through my mouth as I take it up to inspect it with the opposite hand.

"It's sad that your poor wife and child aren't aware that their husband and father is a fucking pedophile who tries to molest his students. You know the type of people I hate the most? The ones who pretend to be innocent. I am an asshole, Mr. Jones, and I don't even try to hide it. But you? You're so fake that it makes me sick. What if your family should learn about what you do in your professional and spare time? How would they feel? I am not quite familiar with certain emotions, but maybe they'd feel something along the lines of...disgust? Or perhaps shame?"

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