Chapter Seventeen

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"So, how'd your talk with Luke go the other night," Alex asked me Monday afternoon; both of us sat outside the Studio; Reggie was inside, working on a top-secret song, that not even I was allowed to read, and Luke was out, but he didn't say where he was going.

"Good," I nod, a faint blush making its way onto my cheeks; Alex stares at me knowingly, and I chuckle, "Okay, fine, it was more than good."

"Ou," Alex teased, nudging me, playfully, "What happened?"

"We just talked and played the piano," I shrug, not mentioning the fact that my hands were on top of his the whole time. "Enough about me," I tell him, changing the subject. "When are you going to see Willie again?"

"I don't know," He said, his shoulders slumping slightly, "It's not like there's a way I can contact him."

"You need to go find him," I encourage him, "He said he skates Hollywood Boulevard all the time." Alex shakes his head, chuckling lightly at my suggestion, "I'm serious; when we were with Willie, it was the happiest I've seen you in a long time."

"Okay, fine," Alex gave in, "We can go find Willie."

"No, no, no," I shake my head, "You're going to find Willie," Alex opens his mouth to argue, but I cut him off, "C'mon Alex, do you seriously want you little sister third-wheeling."

"I love hanging out with you," Alex argues; I chuckle lightly, shaking my head.

"I know you do; I do too," I reassure him, "but this is something you need to do on your own." Before Alex can reply, Luke poofs in front of us.

"Hey, Luke," Alex greets; the brunette turns around, not expecting anyone to be standing behind him. I stand up from my spot on the steps; As I got closer, I couldn't help but notice that his eyes were puffy and his cheeks stained slightly with tears; He had been crying.

"Hey, Alex, do you mind if Luke and I talk for a bit?" I ask, turning to face my brother.

"Yeah," Alex nods, standing up from his spot, "I have something I need to do anyway." I nod, and Alex poofs away, off to find Willie. I walk over to the steps, gesturing for Luke to come and sit with me.

"Are you okay?" I ask him after a couple of moments of silence.

"W-what? Yeah, of course," Luke stuttered, chuckling awkwardly at my question.

"Look, I'm not gonna make you tell me what happened," I tell him, "but Reggie is way nosier than I am." Luke chuckles lightly, and a small smile makes its way onto his face. "Come on," I take his hand, poofing us both into the studio bathroom. Once we poof into the small bathroom, I grab a face cloth off the counter, wetting the corner slightly.

"What are you doing?" Luke asks; I turn off the sink and push myself up onto the counter, so Luke and I are the same height.

"This will help the puffiness go down," I tell him, dabbing the cloth under his eyes.

"How do you know this?" He asks me, leaning forward so I can easily reach his face.

"My mom used to do this to me when I was little," I shrug, thinking back to all the times my mother would scold me for crying, "She used to tell me that my crying was unattractive," I laugh lightly, shaking my head at the memory. Luke opens his mouth to say something else, but we're interrupted by Julie calling out into the Studio.

"Guess who has their first gig," Julie announced; I take one last look at Luke and nod for us to poof out; we poof in front of the piano, and Julie hands me a flier; both boys peer to read over my shoulders.

"We're playing a school dance?" I ask, slightly disappointed; I wasn't expecting anything fancy, but I think we're better than a school dance.

"Sweet!" Reggie exclaimed happily; Luke and I share a disappointed glace.

"A bunch of sweaty teenagers in a gym," I mumble sarcastically, "yay."

"It's not exactly the strip," Luke mumbled; I nodded in agreement, leaning on the piano.

"And you're not exactly alive," Reggie points out, nudging my side, "Both of you should be happy we have our first gig."

"I wasn't in love with the idea at first either," Julie tells us, busy watering the various plants behind the piano, "but it could be a great way for us to build a following, right?"

"Yeah," Reggie exclaimed happily, "we need to play wherever we can, whenever we can."

"Their right," Luke admitted, connecting his eyes with mine; I sigh and nod; I guess we've gotta start somewhere, "Let's rock those kid's faces off and then play the clubs."

"and then record a single that gets a billion steams?" Julie continues, moving to sit on the piano bench,

"I don't know what a stream is, but hopefully that gets us a manager and a tour," I tell her; Julie chuckles lightly and nods.

"Then, we release a bunch of hit albums," Julie concludes, smiling proudly at the boys and me.

"We'll even put out a country album that does surprisingly well," Reggie adds excitedly; I roll my eyes, thinking back to all the country songs Reggie pitched for our EP. "I shred on the banjo so," Reggie continues, shrugging his shoulders.

"Then I'll learn to fiddle," Julie folds her fist out to Reggie, and both of them fist pump, Julie's hand going through Reggie's slightly.

"And before you know it, we're being inducted into the Rock 'n" Roll Hall of Fame," Luke yells excitedly, moving his hands widely as he speaks.

"but, one of us isn't there," Reggie adds dramatically, "because we had a blowout in 2032." Luke and I nod in agreement.

"My money is on my brother," I add; all three of them turn to me with curious expressions, "He's the most sensitive," I explain, shrugging my shoulders, "but don't tell him I said that; he'd be offended."

"What are we waiting for," Luke exclaims, "Let's get rehearsing.

"Um..." Julie glances around the room, "where is Alex?"

"He's out," I shrug; I knew Alex wouldn't want me telling everyone that he was out with Willie, "He should be back soon though, why don't we work on our setlist."




^^^ Charlie's outfit

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^^^ Charlie's outfit

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