Chapter Twenty-Six

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I fell asleep shortly after I arrived at the studio, so out cold that I didn't even hear the boys come back; when I woke up in the morning, I stayed quiet, writing quietly in my book. I could tell both Alex and Luke we're itching to talk to me about what happened after I left. Still, both of them stayed quiet, knowing better than to interrupt me while I was writing.

"Guess who has a gig tonight," Reggie exclaimed, poofing into the studio; we all glance over at him, "Okay, it's us."

"Where's the gig?" I ask, shutting my songbook closed.

"Here," Reggie gestured to outside the studio; I glance over at Alex, both of us frowning slightly; I was expecting much, but seriously, the backyard. "Ray felt bad after last night," Reggie explained; Luke and Alex nodded, while I just furrowed my eyebrows in confusion; what happened after I left?

"Ray showed up at the café last night," Luke explained, noticing my confused expression, "he interrupted Julie while she was talking to a pretty big manager." I nod, keeping my eyes on the book that laid on my lap; I still wasn't sure what to do about the whole Luke and Julie situation.

"So, the backyard?" My brother asked Reggie.

"Yeah," Reggie nodded enthusiastically, "He's having us professionally filmed." I nod in understanding; having something professionally filmed might be good for publicity.

"Sweet," Alex exclaims, smiling brightly at the three of us; I smile in return, standing to grab an outfit to change into, "Hey Charlie?" I hum in response, digging through my trunk of clothes, "whenever you're finished, can I talk to you outside?" I sigh; I should have known that Alex would want to talk about last night eventually.

"Yeah, sure," I stand up, clothing in hand, "I'll be out in a minute," I poof into the washroom and quickly change into my outfit before poofing outside. "What's up?" I ask him, sitting down on the steps.

"You feeling better?" He asks me, sitting down next to me.

"I am," I confirm, "my headaches gone; just needed some sleep." Alex stares at me blankly; we both know I didn't have a headache last night, "I'm fine, Alex."

"No, you're not," He shakes his head, "I saw the way you watched the two of them as they sang together," I fidget nervously with the rings on my fingers, "c'mon Char, you can tell me anything."

"I just feel so stupid," I finally speak; Alex squints in confusion, gesturing for me to go on, "He took me to his parents' house yesterday-"

"I know," Alex cuts me off; I go to ask how he knows that, but he interrupts me again, "I'll explain later, continue."

"and I couldn't stop thinking, maybe, just maybe Luke liked me too," I admit, turning to look down at my hands, "but he's never gonna see me the way I see him."

"That's not true," Alex reassures me; I scoff, shaking my head in disagreement, "I'm not exactly sure how Luke feels, but Charlie, Luke cares so much about you." I open my mouth to disagree, but he keeps speaking, "yeah, I saw the way him and Julie sang together, but I also saw how concerned he was when you left; he kept asking if he should come to be with you, and when we finally got home, he instantly wanted to check on you."

"He was worried about me?" I repeat, a slight blush making its way onto my cheeks; Alex nods, chuckling lightly.

"Have you talked to Julie at all?" Alex asks; I shake my head; if I'm being honest, I was more hurt by Julie then Luke; she knows I have feelings for him. "You should don't let something like this break up your friendship." I nod; Alex was right; as much as I'd never admit it to her, Julie was becoming one of my best friends, I didn't want to lose that.

"You're right," I stand up from my spot on the steps, "I'm gonna go talk to Julie," Alex smiles proudly, "thank you, Alex."

"Always," He nods; I smile at him one last time before poofing away to find our other bandmate.


^^Charlies outfit

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^^Charlies outfit

This is just a filler chapter, but I am so excited for you to read the next few chapters; exciting things are coming!

Love you all!!!

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