Chapter Eighteen

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The four of us spent the next hour creating our setlist and rehearsing; we're currently in the middle of playing through finally free when Alex walked through the studio walls.

"Oh, hey, Alex." Reggie greeted; I waved at my brother from my keys.

"Where have you been?" Luke exclaimed, "We need to start rehearsing." Alex's face scrunched up in confusion, and he turned to look at me before I could tell him about our gig. Flynn strutted into the studio.

"Dance news!" Flynn calls, posing with her hands above her head, "I don't have a date," Flynn informed her best friend, frowning slightly, "but I don't care because I'm so psyched to see you guys perform."

"Oh, man!" Alex grumbled, "We're playing a dance?"

"Of course, dude," Luke confirmed, flopping into the chair behind him, "that's how we get a following nowadays."

"Yeah, get with the program, bro," I joked, winking at my older brother; Julie laughed at Luke and me, shaking her head at our sarcasm.

"What?" Flynn exclaimed, "Charlie and the guys are here?" Julie nods, and Flynn waves at the wall behind Julie, "Hey guys!"

"The boys are over there," Julie pointed to the other side, and Flynn turned to wave excitedly in the boy's direction. "Charlie is sitting at the key's next to me." Flynn faced the keyboard, waving excitedly; I played a few keys in response, causing her to giggle.

"Okay, well, now that Alex has graced us with his presence, can we start working?" Luke asked impatiently.

"Yes!" Julie answered him, "We're gonna rehearse; you wanna stick around?" She asked the other girl.

"I'm supposed to blow up 500 balloons for the school dance," Flynn informed us, "but this sounds way better."

"Alright then, boys and girl, I say we start with finally free!" I suggest; The boys holler in agreement, and Julie nods, moving to stand behind her mic.

"Hey Julie," Another voice calls out, "Remember those orbs in dad's picture?" Julie's little brother entered the studio, holding a piece of paper in his hands. "I-I think they're ghosts." I cough lightly, shocked by the little brother's suggestion; Luke laughs at my reaction, and I stand up from my piano, moving to smack his arm.

"Ouch," Luke groaned, rubbing the spot I hit him, "did you really move over here just so that you could hit me?" I smirk and shrug my shoulders, turning my attention back to the little boy.

"But, don't worry, this room is..." The little boy spins around slowly, observing the room, "this room is clean; I'm not getting the ghost tinglies."

"Wrong again, little dude," Reggie smirked; all three of us laughed lightly at Reggie's comment.

"Have no fear; if they come back, I will protect you." Carlos reassured, pointing at his sister, "because I am the man of this house."

"Isn't dad supposed to be the man of the house?" Julie asked, crossing her arms.

"There can be two; dad needs all the help he can get." The younger boy shrugs, smiling bashfully. "According to the internet, salt burns their souls out."

"Oh, lovely," I mutter sarcastically; the boys glance at each other with panicked expressions. The little boy holds up a large bottle of salt, throwing it across the room; He aims near Reggie first, causing the bass player to lift his legs in fear. Before he can aim it at me, Luke stands up from his seat, grabbing my hand to push me behind him.

"No," Alex yells, the salt that the little boy throws hit's him. "Oh god, I'm..." My brother stutters, staring down at his hands; when he notices nothing happened, he stands up straighter. "I'm fine, totally fine."

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