Chapter 31. What's Going To Break?

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Avery's POV

I laid in bed like I did every night, thinking about Stormie. Thunder rumbled and shook the building. Lightning flashed through the windows. Rain pounded against my window. Memories of her flashed through my head. I hated it when it stormed like this because storms reminded me of her. 

My phone rang. I rolled and grabbed it off my nightstand, then rolled back again. 

"Hello?" I asked.

"Hi, honey," Mom said.

"Hey," I said. 

"Are you okay?" she asked.

"Yeah," I lied. "I'm good. How are things going?" 

"Things are going good," she said. "Austin misses you."

"I'll come home next weekend and see him. Sorry, I've just been busy."

"It's okay. We know that," she said. "How is Stormie?" 

"Fine as far as I know," I said. 

"I take it, you two aren't much closer to getting back together," she said sadly.

"Of course not," I snorted. "She thinks I slept with Susie."

"You don't sound too sure," she said.

"I-I don't know. I can't remember, but I just feel like there is no way I could have. I was really screwed up that night," I told her.

"What do you remember last?" she asked.

"Doing a keg stand," I chuckled.

She laughed. "That explains why you don't remember. How much did you have to drink?"

"I'm not sure," I said. "I don't remember when I stopped. I don't even know how my car got back home that night. There's no way I drove it. I couldn't even walk."

She sighed. "Do you think you were drugged?"

"I've thought about it, but I'm not sure, and I can't prove it. I should have gone to the hospital that morning to get tested to see if they could find something in my system."

"Yeah, you should have. I don't know, honey. I think if Stormie really loved you, she would get past it. She's just hurt," Mom murmured.

"She's pissed. I'm lucky she didn't kick me in the balls," I said. "I got to go, Mom. I'm tired," I lied. I was far from tired, but I didn't want to sit and talk about it anymore. 

I stood up and walked out to the kitchen. Howie was in the living room watching a movie and smoking. I grabbed a glass and turned the water on.

There were a few raps on the door. 

"Who the fuck?" I muttered. I put the glass down in the sink. "Are you expecting someone?" I asked Howie.

He looked at me with pursed lips. "Nope, You?"

"No," I said. I walked over and opened the door. I stumbled back slightly in shock. My lips parted, and the air escaped my lungs. "Storm."

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