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"Where've you been?"

I didn't miss the snark dripping from Sloane's tongue as I dropped down into the table beside the rest of our friends, all of their curious eyes on me although Lachlan had already returned about ten minutes before I had to reduce their suspicions.  I didn't have time for their judgements or unwanted opinions, and I knew where Vera and Blythe stood on the hating Lachlan train, and Evan...well, Evan had feelings for me so it was best for everyone involved to all just mind their own business.

"None of your business," I responded to her, echoing the sentiments expressed in my thoughts.

"Well, that's no way to speak to your sister.  I'd hate for mom to find out how rude you are to me at school, it'd make going back to California a lot harder, I'd think."

My eyes narrowed into slits but Vera piped up before I could accost her once more.

"Well maybe Kate can't be a bitch to you, but I sure as hell can.  She said it was none of your business."

I turned to my right where Vera was vehemently protecting me and squeezed her hand in solitude.

Sloane rolled her eyes and grabbed onto Holden's arm like it was her trophy, but the uncomfortable look in his eyes told me everything I needed to know.  This was all just a competition to her.  I wondered if she even loved him.

I shook my head and turned down to the task of attempting to put food down into my stomach without glancing at Lachlan, though it was hard when I could practically sense the anger rolling off of him in billowing swells.

"Hey, let's let the girl have her secrets.  We've all got them, am I right?"

Lincoln winked at me from the end of the table and I blinked in confusion.  He was more than new to our friend group and I felt terrible that I almost forgot that he was there in the first place.

The seconds ticked past and soon the conversation sped by the previous topic of my whereabouts and I relaxed, taking bite after nauseating bite of pot roast which was the complimentary dinner for the evening.

I ate about a third of the plate before I felt the food protesting in my gut, desperately wanting to be flushed out but I swallowed hard and kept it down, giving up on opening my stupid water bottle. 

I huffed out an annoyed breath and slammed it down on the table but Lachlan's hands reached it before Evan did, even though he was at the head of the table and Evan was sitting directly beside me.

"You sure you want to open that?  Remember what happened last time," Taylor joked from Jenna's side, her ass deposited directly in his lap as they all laughed remembering when I had thrown my opened water bottle on him in my anger at teasing Evan for his feelings for me.

"Yeah well, as long as he keeps his mouth shut this time I don't think we'll have a problem."

Lachlan's amused eyebrows quirked up in a secret smile that was reserved for only me and I could barely hold back my answering smirk.

"No promises, Kat."

I furrowed my eyebrows in faux anger and rolled my eyes as he handed back my water bottle, the old nickname not nearly as annoying as it had once been coming from him.  In fact, the secret name that was only for the two of us was growing on me far too quickly for me to analyze.

He had to lean across the long table to reach me and when he handed me the bottle back, our fingertips brushed and I had to put on the act of my life to pretend I was still pissed at him when in fact I was buzzing at the attention and interest that he was showing to me.

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