Secrets Keep Us Safe

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The Mallorys were able to fly back to Forks on Tuesday. Lauren's fever had broken and she was recovering. Her parents brought her home and Angela came over the next day to give Lauren her homework. Jessica sent texts to Lauren to get better after Angela told her the blonde was looking better and might be back in school by next week.

Jessica's mom had to take the Saturday shift at her office so she had to babysit Emily for the day. Feeling restless, Jessica wanted to get out of the house. Normally, she would've called Angela to see if she was free but more often than not her best friend was with her boyfriend doing couple-y things. Not wanting to cook lunch, she dragged Emily to Home Slice for some pizza.

The fact that Mike liked to hang out there with the guys to read the comic books in the game room was just an added incentive. Unfortunately, Mike wasn't there that Saturday much her to disappointment. She ended up playing Uno with Emily and demolishing a whole pizza together. They switched over to Scrabble after Jessica decided the rage they both felt from playing Uno was unhealthy to their sisterly bond.

Emily asked, "Did my birthday wish come true?"

"I don't know. Is there a way to check if those work?" It wasn't like wishes on birthday candles had empirical data she could check on. "And abbreviations aren't allowed, squirt."

Her sister frowned and removed the letters she was placing down on the board. "I meant do you finally have a boyfriend?"

"Not that it's any of your business but no," Jessica placed down a triple score word on the board. "Besides, I have other things to worry about."

"Like the fact that you're graduating high school single?" Emily added a letter to Jessica's previous word. "Mike is cute but he's not Zac-Efron-cute."

"Nobody is Zac-Efron-cute. He was made in a lab somewhere."

"The point is that you are ruining any chances at love by clinging unto Mike," The eight-year-old made a pitying tsk. "You know that deep down inside that he will never return your feelings and so you focus on him instead of letting yourself find true love and possibly get hurt."

Disturbed by what her younger sister was telling her, Jessica narrowed her eyes at her. "Have you been reading mom's Cosmopolitan magazines again? Because you know mom said you were too young."

Emily looked panicked. "No."


"I didn't!"

"Uh-huh," She took the last slice from the tray and bit into it. "I'm telling mom and you're gonna be in so much trouble."

Her sister pouted and pushed the Scrabble board way and the letters flew from their places, scattered on the table. "I take my wish back. I hope you're single forever."

They made their way home just after the sunset. Jessica made sure to bundle Emily in a thick scarf and winter coat as they walked through the chilly dark streets. Their house was a mile away but if they brisk walked they should be home before their mom arrived for dinner. They passed by the Webers' house when Jessica saw something moving past the circle of hemlock trees.

She stopped, peering into the darkness to see better. There was some light from the Webers house but not enough to make out whatever was in those trees. Emily noticed she wasn't following her and came over. The eight-year-old did a little jig, her arms wrapped around herself, to show she was cold.

"Jess, come on," she whined. "I'm so cold."

Jessica ignored her and moved closer to the trees. The light coming from the Webers' house hit at the right moment and she saw a pair of large brown eyes staring at her. She could make out a silhouette of a large animal and froze. Only one thing could be that size.

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