College Daze

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The first week was a mess of emotions. Jessica was excited, terrified, and nervous all at once. She met a lot of people during the week-long new student orientation including her roommate. Bonnie Bennett was from New Orleans and she was nice, friendly, and collected crystals.

They were getting along quite well even if she was wary around Edward. Not surprisingly, Edward intimidated people as he usually did. There was no hiding his otherness and he was naturally stand-offish it was going to take people a while to warm up to him. People also asked him if he was an albino with how pale he was and how he avoided the sun.

Bonnie was civil with Edward though she was pointedly not as friendly with him as she was with everyone else. In return, Edward was keenly observing the girl after noticing she smelled differently than the other students. He couldn't seem to put his finger on what was different about her. Jessica just had to accept the fact her boyfriend and her roommate weren't going to be friends.

Another person she met during orientation was a boy named Riley Biers. He was from Santa Fe and was majoring in Bioengineering which meant they had a lot of classes together. He was really nice and they bonded over Friends and would quote the show at each other. Edward did not like him immediately.

"He likes you," Edward said. "And not as a friend."

"Did you read that in his mind or is that your jealousy talking?" she replied. "And Riley has a girlfriend back home."

"He thinks you're cute and funny," He looked annoyed. "And he's thinking about breaking up with his girlfriend."

That was troubling.

"He's gonna leave her for me? He barely knows me."

"It's not you. He's wanted to break up with her for a while," he continued. "But that doesn't mean he doesn't want to date you. You are cute and you are funny. He sees that."

"Guys don't see me like you do," she pointed out. "You think I'm irresistible but most guys think I'm annoying. Before you, I had two boyfriends and neither of those lasted long. Neither of them was serious."

"Human boys are idiots," he practically growled, pulling her closer to hold her. "I should eat all of them for making you think less of yourself."

"I think that might cause some problems down the line," She laughed. "You can't murder everyone that's mean to me."

"I can and I will," He dipped down and kissed her. "They won't even be able to fight me off. They'd be dead before they could even scream."

"Oh-kay, Jack the Ripper," She pecked the corner of his mouth. "I'm used to you being weird and creepy by now."


He looked behind her and she turned to see Riley walking past with a few of his friends. Riley waved at her, smiling brightly. She was about to wave back but Edward grabbed her and kissed her deeply. He let her go and smiled smugly.

She smacked him in the arm. "Stop being possessive. It's not attractive."

"I have to get the message across somehow."

"What message?"

"That no matter his interest in you, you're my girlfriend," he said. "And yes, that makes me possessive and jealous and you can hate it but I can't help myself."

"We'll work on it," she replied. "And don't mind, Riley. Give him a couple of weeks around me and he'll be so annoyed with me he'll wish I'd just go away."

"I doubt that," He leaned his forehead on hers. "But I trust you."


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