Chicago Blues

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Edward gave her a rose every day. Jessica still didn't know where he got them but she wasn't complaining. She was distracted in class because her mind kept wandering to him and what he was doing and what he was thinking. Even in Chemistry class, her gaze kept wandering over to him and when they made eye contact he would smile and her insides would melt. It was disgusting.

Her friends weren't thrilled about what was happening but respected her choices so they said nothing. Lauren made it clear that Jessica just had to say the word and she would be calling the wolf army for help. Mike did not care. Eric and Tyler were confused but supportive.

"How did that happen?" Tyler asked as they made their way to the parking lot. "With Edward."

Edward was standing by the Volvo of Doom, waiting for his siblings. Ever since Rosalie and Emmett graduated, he had been a perpetual third wheel to Alice and Jasper instead of the fifth wheel he once was. She smiled and waved at him. Almost shyly, he waved back.

"It kind of just happened," Jessica replied. "Neither of us planned on it."

"You fell without noticing?" Tyler grinned at her. "I'm happy for you, Jess."

Tyler, being one of Mike's best friends, had watched Jessica pine for Mike and do everything to catch his attention. Seeing her finally move on and do something else with her life must've been nice to see.

"Thanks, Ty."

"No problem. See you tomorrow."

Jessica made her way to Lauren's car and got in, enjoying the heat inside. She and Angela were going to work on a project together so Lauren dropped them off at Jessica's house. Emily was excited to see Angela and wanted to show her how she'd progressed with the ukulele. Angela smiled through Emily's rendition of What I've Been Looking For until Jessica was able to pull her away to her room and lock her sister out.

They worked quietly for a few minutes until they decided to stop for a snack break. Jessica munched on gummy bears as they made peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.

Jessica asked, "How's it going with Jacob?"

"It's going okay."

Jessica cut her sandwich in half and took a big bite, watching as Angela refused to meet her eye.

Neither Angela nor Lauren talked much about the situation between the three of them since New Year's. Angela was never one to vent her emotions without prodding. She was too used to being the mom of the group and taking care of everyone. Lauren hid her feelings out of a fear of being vulnerable while Angela was too used to making other people feel better to focus on her own.

"You don't have to pretend with me," she said. "I'm not gonna judge you."

"I know," Angela finally met her eye. "None of it was easy at first. The werewolf thing was pretty stressful."

Jessica snorted. "You don't say."

The brunette laughed softly. "Okay, it was very stressful. The whole thing with Jacob and Lauren wasn't ideal. At first, I didn't understand why we had to share and especially why it had to be with one of my best friends."


"But then I realized that love isn't about being selfish. It's the opposite," she continued. "There has to be reason for everything. And being selfless is what is needed for this to work."

"How does it work though?" Jessica was very curious. "Are you all three together?"

"Jacob and I have our relationship and he has his with Lauren. She and I are still friends and always will be," Angela smiled at her. "Like you and I will always be friends."

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