Chapter 2

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Liam's Pov

I woke up from a huge headache. I sat up on the bed, massaging by forehead. I breath a sigh of relief. I supported my back on the headrest of the bed. My eyes are closed try to remember how I ended in bed from last night.

I remember I went to the pub with my friend after the work in my office. After entering the pub I drank few shots. And some girl came towards me. I didn't even know who is she.

We started talking, I mean she, not me. I was not talking but I don't even know what she was talking about, so I just nodded by head at her because I was not in my own senses because I had drank a lot.

She started taking me somewhere but I refused because I have an important meeting today so I left early. I think my friend dropped me off by my mansion last night and I ended up here now.

I got up from the bed and made my way to bathroom. I brushed my teeth and did my busy and left the room. I made my way downstairs towards the kitchen for breakfast.

When I entered I saw my cook or can I say my second mom who is standing by the counter cooking something. I went behind her and hugged her. Sensing by the flinch, I think I scared her.

"Good morning Mellisa" by kissing her cheek I greeted her. I felt a pain on my arm which has hugged her figure. I let out a yelp at that and left her side and observed her cruel act of pinch on the my arm.

"That's for scaring me, I have a poor heart I can't hold your childest behavior "she said that because I was pouting at her. "And good morning dear" she greeted by patting my cheek. And then she went back to serving my breakfast plate.

I went to dinning table waiting for her to bring my breakfast. I am only childest to her because she has been looking after me / being my nanny for past two decades. I respect her more than my real mom. She was always there for me whenever I needed her. She now lives across my mansion with her family. She cooks and maintain the house clean with the cleaning staff. I won't let her work. She has done so much for me so she only cooks for me now.

She came with my breakfast with one hand and with other my coffee and placed in infront of me. I soon dig into the food. She cooks the best food ever. I ate my eggs, bacon and drank my coffee. She was there seeing me eat while standing there.

"So how is that daughter of yours. Is she still giving you trouble, if she is tell me I know what to do" I asked her by bring my plate and mug to the sink and leave it there. I turn back to her and stood in front of her.

"No dear, she won't. But you know her how much she is to control " Mellisa said and looked at the clock in the kitchen.

"Yes, but say the magic word and I will do it" I said to her .

"By the way why did you wake up so late today, you said you have an early meeting today" Mellisa asked.

"What do you mean by late, I woke up at perfect time" I said to her and saw the time and my eyes widened by seeing it. It's already 8.00 am and I am still in the house. I have the meeting at 8.30.

"Shit" I cursed and ran past her towards the stairs to my bedroom. I heard Mellisa laughing and scolding for the bad word I spoke.

I ran to the closet and picked the neat and clean suit. I showered very qiuck and got dressed. I yelled to Mellisa that I am going to the office and ran to the car in the garage. I saw that it's raining.

I have my own garage with different types of cars. I have few sports cars. I use it when I am alone. My mansion is two stories. In front there is small fountain. The ground floor consists of kitchen, living room, gym along with two rooms for guests. And in the second story there is my room and my office along with the four guests room. Even though I live alone, I have many guest rooms. There is home theater and game room in the basement. In the backyard, I have swimming pool with garden. Also a tree house few meters apart from mansion. It can't been seen because of the trees. I think it's enough for now, I have to hurry up.

I opened the drivers seat door and sat. I drove fast as I can from the mansion to the place where meeting was held.
The meeting place was held outside my building in some hotel.

As I was speeding up I didn't see the stored water at the side of the road. And I sped across it. I see through the mirror that a girl was standing there soaking wet due to the splash. I felt guilty for her but it's not the time. I am late for the meeting.

I parked my car in the parking lot. And dashed out of the car inside the hotel.

As I reached inside a waitress came and asked "Any reservation sir" .

I replied "Yes, it's under Collins".

"Right this way sir" she smiled sweetly at me and showed the way by swagging her hips a little. I shake head at their tactics. I hate those girls.
You may ask about yesterday night. I can't say anything because I was little drunk, but I know where I am and what I do.

She showed me the table where there was already three members waiting for my presence.

"Well shall we start the meeting" I said and started the discussion. Well you think I might be rude and arrongent but I have to keep it that otherwise I will loose my standards that are kept high. They may take advantage of it.

While after sometime we were still discussing the matter when we here a accommodation near the door of the kitchen. I see a girl has fallen to the ground by the door. The whole room has become quite and looked at the girl on the floor.

But something caught my eyes. I can't see her face but I think I am familiar with the girls hair. Her brunette hair did resemble to girl once I know.

She quickly got up and went inside the door. I think she was embarrassed by the seen she had made. I quickly shake my head and turned to members and continued the discussion. In the middle I kept thinking of that girl I knew from the past.

The meeting was completed, we all stood and shook our hands as we sealed the deal. They left and I sat there for a while. We didn't order much, we ordered coffee that's it.

I sat there and my eyes went around the room looking for the surrounding of the hotel. This hotel was not much expensive but a good place with good reputation. It's still growing up. As I was seeing around I caught the same brunette hair girl with her back towards me at the far end of the room.

As I see, her head is bent down low looking at the ground. And the guy on the table was disrespecting her. I placed the bills on the table with some tips. I made my way towards them. As I came closer, the girl ran past the table to the door.

And I heard the guy saying "Run you stupid bitch, this is what you get for not accepting the request I gave".

I banged my hand on the table to which the guy turned and saw me. His eyes widened at the sight of me. I think he knew who I was. I saw him wearing my company ID.

"What you think you are doing, disrespecting women like that. Be careful before you do that again. I might warn you the last time. Next time I see, I won't think twice to put you behind the bars" I said and saw him shivering at my words as I spoke.

By lowering his head he apologized for it. I simply shurrged him off and made my way to the parking lot to return to the office. Those kind of people should be punished for the mistakes they do.


This is a short chapter. I hope you liked it.

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