Chapter 8

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Liam's pov

I was seeing her documents, and her photo was on top of the sheet. I traced her face with my finger. I can feel her eyes on me. Why did I do that mistake back then, I should have confronted her about it. What a fool I was back then letting her go. I saw that she had completed her master degree in business a year back. Then why didn't she work till now. I was still tracing her face with my fingers .

'I wish it was her beautiful face I was tracing with my finger not the picture ' my heart said.

'That will happen soon. Till then keep your thoughts to yourself ' I replied back.

Clearing my throat I asked "Why do you need this job Ms. Walker. How can you expect me to hire you when you have no experience, except few internships". I think she expected this question from me, because she replied immediately to it.

"Sir, I need this job because I have to earn money for my living. I can't accept to live with my parents money untill now. When I have knowledge and stability to work why not. Well I don't know why other companies didn't consider me to work with them. And I didn't get the opportunity to prove myself what I can be capable off. But I have confident in me to do my work completely which will be assigned" she answered confidently by meeting my eyes to show her ability of what she is capable to do.

I think I can take advantage of her confident state now in questioning her my main question running inside my head. I smirked inwardly at my thought.

I nodded my head and asked "Do you have a boyfriend Miss Walker".

"I don't have a ...., hey that's not the question you suppose to ask me sir. It's not a professional one" she replied to me by crossing her hands in front of her chest.

Now I smirked at her and placed the file infront of me on the desk and leaned towards the deskby keeping my hands crossed on the desk. "I was checking where is your attention was Miss Walker".

I can see in her eyes that I have started to get her anger out.

'Well you got the answer for your question '

"My attention is here Mr. Collins. I refer to continue this interview" she replied keeping her cool down towards me.

"Alright Miss Walker. Can I ask what have you been doing this one year after your masters completed" I asked her. I saw that her eyes keep moving towards my chest. I smirked inwardly.

Her face started heating up again and her cheeks turned red. I can say what she is thinking. Clearing her throat she replied "I have been working as a waitress in a hotel". She shifted in her seat because I was staring at her intensely.

I nodded my head as taking her answer in. I smirked at her and pushed the file towards her . Looking into her eyes I said "Well I will get my responses soon to you from my secretary. She will call you for your answers". I got up from the chair and extended my hand for a shake. She got up from the chair and lifted her hand for a shake.

A sense of electricity passed through out my body. 'I still do feel for her, what has she done to me'. I held her hand in a firm grip and left. "Thank you sir". She took the file from the desk and her bag. As she made her way towards the door. I took my steps towards her as fast as possible and stood behind her.

I think she sensed my presence behind her because she become tensed and her hand in still on the nob of the door. She is frozen in her place. I have to tease her one last time before she leaves.

I bent towards her right ear from behind her and whispered in her ear "Can you please inform Alexis to come in my office room, as you pass by" she nodded her head and ran out of the room as soon as possible.

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