Chapter Twenty-Two: The Celebration

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The moment that Charlotte arrived at home with Radley in tow, she rushed through the house to make sure all was ready for the dinner celebration. She paused in the dining room to make sure the good-china was used, but when she started to go to the kitchen, his grip on her hand increased.

His gaze wasn't on her; he was staring at the long table with placements for eight. "It's a pity this isn't set for more people. It makes me angry that Father's actions had him missing this event. He should have given her away in a chapel full of flowers."

Charlotte stepped in front of him and looped her arm around his neck as she studied his face. His gaze lowered to hers in preparation to kiss her, but she moved her fingers over his lips.

"I agree that the wedding was simple, but the candlelight in that chapel had the feeling of righteousness. As they walked down that aisle together, he kept glancing down at her with such love and happiness, nothing else mattered but her at his side. Did you see the way they stared at each other when they repeated their vows? Love poured from them. I don't believe I have ever seen a couple more in love. When she repeated her vows, Ben hung on her every word and he never let go of her hand. When he gave her his vows, he also told her what she meant to him. This love match, Radley, is the heart of that ceremony. It didn't matter who was there or who was missing. They made this about them as it should be."

"I heard you sigh when he kissed her hand before slipping the wedding band on her finger. With the romantic example he has demonstrated, I'll have to do better with you."

"Radley! If you behaved like my brother, I doubt I'd be as taken with you. I like the way you are with me. I can be myself and you don't make me feel guilty when my temper explodes because you accept me as I am. But I also know how challenging it will be after you and Michael move in with us. Will you grow tired of seeing me every single day?"

"Never, though I will try to remember to tame my desire—even though you make that most difficult." He planted a sweet kiss on her lips. "You were not happy with me this morning when I kept kissing you."

She lifted her hand to his cheek. "I enjoy your kisses, but if I am not cautious you will compromise me and we both know it." She stepped back to leave, but he jerked her back into his arms, grabbed the back of her neck, and kissed her long and thoroughly. When she relaxed and kissed him back with enthusiasm, his lips softened, and she sagged against him. His arms tightened while he pushed their desire further.

The soft groan of surrender from her brought him to his senses. It would be easy to take her upstairs and end their torment. "I'm going to enjoy having you around me everyday. My challenge will be catching you unaware."

"Ben will probably have a few words to say if he catches you." She said with laughter.

"Words? I'd think he'd drag me to the archbishop. But he's taking Vivian on a wedding trip to his estate where they can be alone—with a houseful of servants," he added with a roll of his eyes. "I think that will give me enough time to convince you of a few things."

"Convince me of what, Radley?" When he arched his eyebrow, she stepped back before he kissed her again. "My question doesn't need an answer, I know where we are headed. For now, I must check the progress in the kitchen. Why don't you pour a drink for us? Don't tell anyone, but I'll take a small whiskey."

He laughed and lightly tapped beneath her chin with his knuckle. "I won't tell a soul, but you know Michael and Owen are in the library. They'll both recognize what you're drinking."

She winked. "Owen knows and if you and Michael will be staying with us, he will learn eventually anyway." Her skirts whirled around her feet as she quickly turned to go towards the kitchen.

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