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"Noya Hienma."

Who would Noya Hienma be? Let me take you to the beginning when Mika was just your everyday pirate.

"Oi, you've had plenty to drink kid. Better stop or you'll get too drunk and I won't get my gold coins."

A drunk Mika was sitting at a bar drinking life away. He was young at the age of 23.
Very young and still new.

"E-Eh.. What does /hic/ that have to do with me?" The bartender sighed. Unfortunately he had a young drunk pirate in front of him. What could he do?
As the bartender went to make more drinks, someone approached the young blonde.

"Hey." That would be a red haired boy
with long hair and stylish clothes. Unusual for someone like him.

The blonde opened his eyes to look at him. "W-what do you want?"

"Me? Oh nothing much. Just wondering if you wanted to come with me."

"For wha- /hic/- what?"

"You look like a young pirate. Be a part of m' crew? I can see some potential in you."

"Betcha' say that to every pi- /hic/ pirate you recruit.."

"No really! I do think you're up to par."
He turned to the red haired pirate and looked him in the eye.

"Ya sure?"

"You bet."

"Okay. I'll be part of your crew then." That's where it all went wrong.

The pirates were all nice to him. Told him all sorts of compliments, he felt like they were his bros.
They even shared their portion of the food- and he thought they were the best people he's ever met.

Up until the day he got betrayed.

He woke up to a good morning, excited for what was about to happen that day.
Becoming the vice captain of the ship.
It wasn't actually an official thing in the Law of Pirates but the captain can make someone in charge of the ship when he was gone.

He dressed up in his best clothes and went to the the deck.
"Hey! You guys excited? I'm gonna be vice captain! I can't believe it-"

He looked around and everyone was wide-eyed.
"Uh... Hi?"

"Restraint him." The captain came unto the deck as two pirates followed his order and restraint
the young blond.

"Captain? What's happening?" Mika was confused, he doesn't remember doing anything that could result to this.

"For stealing my most precious treasure- The Golden Globe." He gasped. The Golden Globe was just the same as a globe- except it was golden.
The captain loved it and treasured it the most. He would look at it everyday.

"Who would do that?!"

"You." The captain deadpanned.

"Why would I? I don't care about your possessions." Noya scoffed.

"As if. Young kids with nothing to lose shouldn't steal stuff of great value. See? Now you deal with the consequences."
Mika trembled.

"I didn't do it. I never did it."

"Oh I know you wouldn't dare do it." Noya smirked as Mika looked at him, surprised.

"Wait what? Then why are you..?"

"That's because you're a nuisance. You were an important part of the crew and that's why I let you stay. But you were so annoying. " Mika couldn't believe it. He trusted the captain- He trusted Noya.

Pirate Romance ( TessyOc Continuation ) Where stories live. Discover now