Chapter Eighteen - Drunken Mistakes With Handcuffs

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Layla's POV


I suddenly jolt awake at the sound of a door slamming. Jerking up into a sitting position, I look around, trying to get my bearings. I'm still in Liam's living room and the place is pretty messy from the party last night.

Moving my arm to reach my hand up and run through my hair, it only gets about halfway before it suddenly jerks to a stop, something pulling on my wrist. There's something wrapped around my wrist. It's cold and hard... Oh no.

I look down and immediately recognize the metal around my wrist to be handcuffs. My gaze follows the metal until I see what I'm handcuffed to. Or should I say who.

I let out a small sigh, running my unoccupied hand through my hair, "Reece," I murmur quietly, only just now realizing that he's laying behind me on the couch. His arm that is handcuffed to mine is draped over my waist, keeping my back pressed to his front.

How did I not feel him behind me before? And how do I not remember getting handcuffed to him?

Bringing my free hand up to my head, I rub my temples as I feel a headache coming on. That's why. Don't you just love hangovers?

I hear Reece grumble something in his sleep before he tosses one leg over mine, bringing us closer together. I chuckle softly, looking around the room once again. A door slamming had woken me up, so someone else must be awake.

Just as that though goes through my head, the door leading to the kitchen slams open and Liam waltzes out. My eyes widen when I see him wearing nothing but superman boxers and a white apron that says, 'kiss the cook'.

At the abrupt loud sound, Reece shoots awake, sitting up suddenly and pushing me off the couch. But because we're handcuffed together, he starts rolling over as well, falling on top of me.

I let out a grunt as his weight settles on me and rest my head back on the ground. That definitely did not help my already pounding headache.

"Whoops, sorry 'bout that. But I'm making pancakes!" Liam exclaims happily before skipping out of the room and back into the kitchen.

Reece groans softly before bracing his forearms on either side of my head, picking his weight up off me. "Sorry, Sunshine," When he notices that my hand moved up with his, he looks down, eyes widening when he sees our predicament. "Are those...?"

"Handcuffs? Yes. From your costume, I'm guessing." I answer him, letting my eyes drop down his body briefly. He's still wearing the police officer costume and I'm also still in my prisoner costume from last night.

"Shít." He mutters, looking around for a second before his gaze meets mine, "How the hell did that happen?"

"I have no idea," I tell him honestly, letting out a small sigh. I notice that neither of us have made any indication that we want to leave and that only makes me smile. "Good morning, by the way."

Reece groans, rolling off me but slipping his arm around my waist so that I roll with him, nestling into his side while he lies on his back. "It's only good because you're here. I have a killer headache."

My eyes widen slightly at his bluntness. It makes me happy to think that I make him happy. Shaking myself out of my short-lived daze, I nod in agreement. "My head's killing me too. You wanna go find some pain killers?"

Reece thinks about it for a second before his arm tightens around my waist, "Let's just lie here for a bit."

I laugh lightly but don't object, resting my head on his chest. "On the ground in Liam's living room?"

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