Thirteen: Catfight and Coffee

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Trigger Warning: Mentions of SH

Your 11:30am lecture just so happened to be with the bitch herself. Jade. To get through to Harry, you'd have to go through the formidable woman first. As you walked into the hall, fifteen minutes early, you made a beeline for her regular seat. You didn't tend to sit with her during lectures, but today you were determined that she'd have a hard fucking time getting away from you. You were going to talk to your brother, one way or another. You didn't exactly have a bargaining chip, nor were you especially intimidating, but goddamn were you full of fury after everything the last week and a half had put you through.

You plonked yourself down right next to her regular seat. You were definitely stealing the spot of another student, but they'd live. This wasn't high school, if they had a problem they could suck your ass - you were so not in the mood for petty social rivalry.

One by one, the other students filed in and took their seats. You were only three rows from the front, and Professor Lambert gave you a nod of approval when she walked in five minutes early - despite your best efforts, you had a habit of being one of those people who had to sneak in late most classes, this was the first time you'd been early to a lecture this semester. You wondered if she'd noticed you go MIA all week. Minutes ticked passed, you agitatedly flicked your pen against the table in front of you.

The lecture was about to begin when you got a strong whiff of artificial vanilla perfume. You turned your head to the end of the aisle. There she was, blue eyes boring right into yours, long black hair arranged in perfectly messy beach waves, bright pink lipstick a little smudged. You sincerely hoped that Harry hadn't been the one to smudge it.

Jade stared you down coldly for a moment. Clearly, she hadn't been expecting to see you - maybe Harry had told her about Hoodie. Maybe she assumed you'd be dead in a ditch somewhere by now. Or maybe, she simply thought her oh so terrifying insults over the phone would drive you away from class. Either way, she was dead fucking wrong.

The woman stuck her chin out a little, looking you up and down as she strutted towards you and plonked herself in the seat next to you without a greeting. The scent of vanilla was overwhelming now - it was hard to overdo such a gentle scent, but she'd found a way to ruin it for you.

Professor Lambert, at the front of the lecture hall, cleared her throat. She began her introduction, but right now you were so fixated on the woman next to you that you really couldn't care less about psychoactive drugs.

You leaned in close to Jade, not wanting to cause a scene in the middle of a lecture but also wanting to make sure she heard you loud and clear. "How's Harry?" You spoke through clenched teeth, lacing your voice with venom.

Jade didn't even look at you, instead paying way too much attention to her bag as she pulled her papers out of it. You rolled your eyes, clearing your throat pointedly. She was going to answer you.


Finally, she gave you a side-eye, black eyeliner enhancing the cattiness of her stare. "If you hadn't noticed, (y/n), Professor Lambert is talking."

Her baby pink acrylic nails reached into her bag again, this time fishing around for a pen. You glared daggers into her skin while she pretended not to notice, only riling you up more. Your hand shot out, grabbing her wrist firmly and forcing her attention back to you. She locked eyes with you, blinking slowly.

"What, you dumb whore?"

You blanched, you hadn't been expecting her to resort to petty insults so soon. Quickly recovering, you glared back just as hard as she did. "How. Is. Harry."

Jade sighed throatily, an annoyed high pitched noise. "None of your business." She yanked her wrist from your grasp, finally fishing out a pen with her other hand.

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