Twenty Nine: Partners In Crime

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A/N: I'm too tired to edit this if you see a typo feel free to screech at me in the comments

Climbing through a glassless window hole with a fresh wound wasn't the flashiest idea, as you quickly found out when you tumbled harshly to Lily's bedroom floor. You inhaled far too much dust than could be good for your poor lungs, wheezing with the impact. Brian laughed huffily from above you, having gracefully hopped in first. He'd offered you a leg up, but you were too stupid to accept, thinking you could make the climb yourself. As usual, he was right. He offered you a gloved hand now, clad in his horrifying work getup. You took it, pulling yourself up to survey your traitorous roommates' space.

You were glad to be out of Brian's apartment, there hadn't been much to do back there besides play Among Us on your phone for countless hours. Brian had left shortly after your little quarrel yesterday morning, the yellow hoodie and mysterious lump in his pocket telling you all you needed to know. You refused to pry into his work life, you wanted to hold yourself above whatever it was he had been out doing. He'd been gone for over a day. However, mysteriously, there had been some donuts resting on the kitchen counter when you woke up this morning. You didn't know if he'd come back to drop off food, or got E.J. (or heaven forbid, someone you hadn't met yet), to do it. Either way, you appreciated him not letting his not-hostage starve to death.

It was evening now. Brian had finally reappeared about an hour ago and told you it was time to check the apartment out. Thankfully, he hadn't been covered in blood and brains. The yellow hoodie still got to you, though. As for you, he'd given you a dark hoodie of his, which you'd grudgingly accepted. You still didn't have any shoes.

Now on your feet, you took in the sight of Lily's bedroom. Brian informed you in the car that neither of you should turn on any lights, so you used the flashlight on your phone. For some reason, Brian seemed to have perfect vision in the dark. You wondered if that was another hidden talent of his creepy little mask. Lily's bedsheets were crumpled, you noticed, as you swept the flashlight over the bed. The room was, over all, clean but not pristine.

"Notice anything odd?" The voice changer just about had you jumping out of your skin, you sent Brian a startled glance.

As you calmed down, you nodded. As a matter of fact, you did notice something amiss almost instantly. When Harry's room had been scrubbed clean, the crime scene cleanup team had stripped his mattress bare, and wiped down ever surface of the room including the floor. But, as your lungs now reminded you as you stifled a cough, there was a liveable amount of dust in the room still. The only thing that had changed was that the glass had been removed from the window Masky had smashed, as a standard safety measure most likely.

That night, Lily had screamed bloody murder, pretending that Masky had attacked her. Seeing her room blood-free, with no need for a cleanup team after the crime, only rubbed her betrayal in. You felt like one hell of an idiot. A very angry idiot, but an idiot all the same. And you were determined to figure out why Lily did what she did.

You tiptoed over to Lily's desk on the far side of the room. Notes from psychology were strewn about the surface, nothing of much consequence. Pens and pencils, random junk. You leafed through her textbooks, and were rewarded with nothing but more dust assaulting your nostrils. Lily had always favoured partying to studying, after all. Her grades were far from spectacular, though it was still a little off. The weeks leading up to now, she'd shut herself in here far more often than usual, with cramming notes as an excuse. She'd really only surfaced for school and work, and of course on Friday nights.

When her desk yielded nothing, you turned to Brian leaning against the door and gave him a shrug. No clues here, though you had no idea what you were really looking for. Brian seemed to stare you down for a moment, though the mask made everything he did twice as intimidating. After a few seconds, he walked a few paces to Lily's wardrobe. You were surprised that he wanted to help you investigate, but perhaps he was just bored and salty that you'd convinced him to take you back here at all.

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