Crocus (part 2)

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She tiredly rolled her eyes away from him.

"I'm sorry. Fine, I'll make you something." Kiana apologised, as she didn't have the strength to continue the dramatic comebacks with him.

He watched as she dropped her handbag on the floor by the side of the counter, then walked over to the kitchen sink to wash her hands. For Enrico, watching the look on Kiana's face wasn't very encouraging. She seemed stressed out and ready to collapse any moment. This might not be the best way, but it was the only way for him.

"So, what would you like to have?" Kiana asked, as she finally turned to him. Enrico let out a scoff.

"I don't know. You're the cook. You figure it out." He rudely told her. Kiana glared at him, his attitude pissing her off. He was being a jerk for no good reason. She believed they were past this stage of being at each other's throat, but now, it seemed she was wrong.

"Fine." She replied in a sigh, before turning away and towards the fridge. Enrico watched expectantly as she opened the fridge and scanned through with her eyes.

Kiana scanned from bottom to top and heading towards bottom once more, she suddenly stopped. Her eyes rested on the round shaped cake lying there in the fridge. Her brows slightly furrowed in confusion, but she eventually presumed it was Enrico's. Thinking aback, she realised that she rarely ever saw him eat a pastry, so it was kinda odd for a large cake to just be lying in the fridge. Curious a bit, she drew closer to read the writing on it.

Happy birthday, Kiana.

She read within her mind. At that very moment, it didn't click. It didn't quite settle and suddenly just like the snapping of two fingers, it all came back to her. It was her birthday. She had completely forgotten her own birthday. How could she? She had been so caught up in her life affairs that she forgot her own birthday. In the past few years, sometimes she would remember and other times, it'll just pass like every other normal day, but not once... not once in those years had she gotten herself a cake and that thought brought her back to reality. There are only two of them living in this house. If she didn't get it, then it could only be the other housemate. A little dumbfounded, she reached both hands in and carried the cake, she turned to Enrico, who tried his best to act like his normal self.

"You..." She started, her voice quite shaky as she looked from the cake in her hands and up to Enrico.

"...You got me a...cake?" She asked, her voice low and partially shaky. The expression on her face, quite softer than a few minutes ago.

Enrico reminded himself to remain cool, so he put up a simple smile. That one smile and Kiana could feel her heartbeat slowly accelerate. She gently laid the cake on the counter. She stared at it for what seemed like forever, before looking up to him.

"You... remember?" She asked once more, the act alone still unbelievable to her that it caused mixed emotions within. Kiana was confused. She really didn't know what to believe anymore about Enrico.

Enrico noticed the whole surprised-confused-sad expression on her face. The way she stared at him made his heart break.

"Yeah. It's my memory. Sometimes, it's a curse and most other times... a blessing." He replied, not giving her a direct answer.

" hate me. I mean I... I broke your heart." she added, her voice clearly shaky. Her eyes became filled with tears, ready to roll down her cheeks.

Staring at her, this wasn't the expression he aimed for. Actually, he imagined her laughing out loud and eventually smiling, eyes filled with joy and not tears. He only wanted to see her happy.

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