Queen Anne's Lace (part 2)

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Enrico, now all freshened up and with a towel wrapped around his waist, stood in front of the mirror in his bathroom. He stared at his blurry reflection for what seemed like a moment, before he finally reached for his glasses lying beside the sink. He gazed back into the mirror, at his reflection after putting on the glasses and that time, his vision was clearer. He just stood there, staring at nothing in particular as his mind wandered off.

I love you.

He recalled her exact words and the very moment when she confessed her feelings. A light chuckle escaped his lips. She tried so hard to tell him. If only he realised earlier that was what she wanted to say to him, he would have made it back to the office right away and on time. He never imagined that his dreams could someday become his reality. Kiana was finally his and fate actually let it happen. Perhaps, they are meant to be together after all. That thought alone kept him smiling as he thoroughly dried his wet hair with a towel.

After getting dressed in something much more comfortable, Enrico opened the medicine cabinet in his bathroom and searched for something good enough for Kiana to take. She might have thought that he didn't notice the fact that she was in a little pain, but he actually did. He was going to take care of that for her.

He got off a call before making his way out of his room and down the stairs. Halfway through, he noticed Kiana walking out of hers and making her way directly towards the kitchen. His brows slightly seized up.

"Where are you going?" He asked, causing her to turn right away to him in a light startle.

She stared at him, a bit dumbfounded for a moment. He made his way down the last stairs and towards her.

"Kitchen." She finally replied, although a little too late.

"I'm going to make dinner." She added, before taking the first two steps forward. Enrico quickly took hold of her hand to stop her from taking any steps further.

"No, you're not." He stated, before dragging her along with him towards the very same kitchen.

"Do I really have to carry you all the time for you to understand what I'm trying to say?" He rhetorically asked, as he let go of her hand and found a glass cup, then took out a jug of water from the fridge and poured some for her.

She watched him, whilst a little confused about almost everything that was presently going on. He set the cup of water on the counter in front of her and she looked from it and back up to him.

He got out from his pocket the little container in which the pills resided in.

"You don't have to pretend to be okay in front of me. There will always be a difference between me and them." He stated, as he opened up the container and Kiana kept staring at him without uttering a word.

He took hold of her hand and let about two pills roll right onto her palm, before he shut the container. She couldn't help, but stare at the pills on her palm.

"Pain relievers." He stated, as he noticed how strangely she stared at the pills. Kiana raised her eyes to him.

"Have them and you'll feel much better in a while." He told her, with a simple smile.

"But I'm ok..."

"Don't lie." He reprimanded right away and Kiana could see the seriousness in his eyes. She felt guilty and had to lower her eyes away from his. She felt a little stupid for even attempting to lie, when clearly, he already figured it all out. She hadn't intended on lying to him. All she really didn't want to do was burden him with this little problem. She really believed, a little rest and she would be good as new.

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