Lily of the valley (part 2)

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The splash of cold water on her face woke her up in a startle. Her muscles had felt torn and her strength faded, that she somehow began losing consciousness. The few injuries on her body hadn't even been treated and it got worse by the minute. As she struggled with steading her vision, she saw him splash water on someone else backed up against the wall. She only realised whom it was, when her vision returned properly.

"Enrico!" She called out and he managed to look up to the sound of her voice, regardless of the pain he was feeling at the back of his head. His arm still hurt very much and his entire body felt it had been turned upside down. As his eyes finally set on her, a ray of joy filled him and he attempted getting up to his feet, but was thrust back down due to how weak he had grown. He also noticed that his hands were tied.

"Kiana, are you okay?" He asked in compassion and she nodded as the tears began flooding her eyes.

"I'm okay. You shouldn't be here... you shouldn't have come..."

"Okay, enough with the reunion!" The kidnapper ordered and both shifted their eyes up to him.

"I brought the money you asked for. Why aren't you letting us go?" Enrico questioned and Kiana slightly furrowed her brows upon hearing rhetorically word money.

"Because Enrico Vos... this is personal. It's a personal vendetta. Please, catch up." He stated, a little bored about having to go through what he had already said once again.

"Your girlfriend here claims to not recall the grave sin she had committed, so you're going to help her, because we can't have the quote 'ignorance is bliss' come through for her." He started, as he approached a few broken furniture in search of something.

Enrico exchanged glances with Kiana, before shifting it back to the man and watched as he picked up what seemed to be the wooden arm of a chair.

"This is what's going to happen. I'll ask Kiana a question and if she fails... I'll hit you using this." He told them and raised the wood for them to view.

Kiana gulped down hard as the tears had already begun trickling down her cheek.

"Please, don't hurt him. I'm begging you." She pleaded between sobs.

"That's not my decision to make. It's yours so... shall we begin?" He questioned, as he walked back to Enrico, but faced Kiana.

There was a strange and terrifying silence for a while, before he suddenly spoke up.

"Who am I?"

Kiana searched her memory amidst tears for any recollection of exactly who the familiar face was, but no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't tell. He noticed the look in her eyes and the fact she had no reply. Her sobs grew louder as she noticed him tightening his grip on the wood and ready to swing it.

"No, no please don't." She pleaded, but a devious smirk surfaced on his face and swung the wood hard on Enrico and he groaned in pain. Kiana struggled to get free, but all to no avail.

"Why are you doing this!?" She questioned. amidst tears and frustration.

"Because all these years I had to watch you live your life freely! I watched you live without remorse... Now, what is the gravest sin that you've committed in your entire life?" He questioned and that time, he put on a daring look. The one that dared her to not give him the needed reply.

Her breathing had already grown heavier by the minute and when he asked her the strange question, she had to steady her breath in order to go through her memories. A memory of the worst night of her life flashed across her mind and she instantly shut her eyes in pain. Eventually, she opened them and it seemed she didn't have his reply, so he angrily readied himself to hit Enrico once more.

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