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The Colonel stalked into the clinic mere minutes later, Luke following close behind, sporting a purplish bruise on his jaw. I caught his eye and asked a silent What happened?

He shook his head. Later, he mouthed. I pursed my lips, but didn't push the subject.

"Where are they?" The sheer aggression in the Colonel's demand had me stepping back.

"In exam room three," Anna said, pointing to the closed door. "We've followed your rules exactly. No one has entered or left."

The Colonel pushed past her, heading straight for the room. I reached out and grabbed his arm. "You can't just go in there."

He stared at his biceps, at my hand encircling the muscle. "Take your hand off of me or I will take it off for you." I released his arm, but put my body in front of the door.

"You can't just barge in there. Her child just died. Give her a minute to grieve." The Colonel grabbed my arm and yanked me off the door, sending me stumbling forward.

Luke caught me before I hit the floor and pulled me close. "Listen, don't push him right now. He's already in a pissy mood."

"I can see that," I whispered back, regaining my balance. "But he can't just do that."

Luke gritted his teeth. "He's the Colonel. He can do whatever he wants."

"That's such bullsh--"

Emily Jackson came out of the exam room sobbing, propelled along by the Colonel. "Falls," the Colonel called. "Call Warner and Roiben."

Luke released his grip on me, my arms suddenly cold as he let me go. "Yes, sir." I couldn't tell if Luke was being serious or just too good at sarcasm, but he radioed them anyway.

The Colonel jerked Emily towards me. "Is she sick? Tell me."

I put a comforting hand on the woman's shoulder and murmured some sympathies and encouragement. "I can't tell just by looking at her. I don't know what the incubation period is. I'll have to do a blood test to be sure."

"What are you waiting for?" The Colonel gestured toward one of the empty exam rooms impatiently.

Nurse Anna had a sick look on her face, but volunteered to get a test kit.

"I'm so sorry, Mrs. Jackson." Tears streaked down her face, leaving trails of mascara on her cheeks. "I just have to take a little bit of blood to make sure you aren't sick, too."

"No," the Colonel interrupted. "I don't want you to take her blood. Falls, get her out of here."

"What?" I whirled, stalking right up to the Colonel. "Who are you to tell me how to do my job? This woman's child just died and you're screaming about her being sick and making me prick her with needles. Now you say you don't want me to. I don't--"

He backhanded me across the face, hard. I staggered back. My mouth filled with blood and I spit it right at his feet.

"That's it." Rogers and Walters picked that moment to walk in. "You, Warner. Take her to the Gard."

The man grabbed my arm. I twisted and turned, but his grip was too tight for me to escape. Rogers stood face-to-face with Luke, so he couldn't help me. Anna still hadn't returned from the supply closet.

"Come on," Walters commanded. "It'll be fine." He half carried and half dragged me out of the building. I went completely limp to make it harder for him.

"God, I'm not trying to hurt you." He blew out an exasperated breath. "Will you just get up and walk?"


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