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"This is a bad idea," Leo warned as I started down the hall to the lobby.

"You know, usually I'm the one saying that," I said with a smirk.

"If your crazy ass ideas are the voice of reason, I can't believe you and your friends have lasted this long." Leo shook his head. "Someone needs to talk some sense into you guys."

"I don't need sense. Just luck." The threshold to the lobby loomed ahead. "Wish it for me."

I slipped out of his grasp and strode up to Senator Siles with as much confidence as I could muster. "Senator," I said, a false smile plastered on my face.

His smile was faker than mine, shadowed with confusion. "Dr. Hunter. Where's Dr. Michaels?"

"He's busy," I lied. "But that's not important."

"Then what is?" His tone was rough edged in boredom and intolerance, but his dark eyes glimmered with curiosity.

"What you can do for me."

He laughed, boisterous and genuine. "What I can do for you." He got to his feet, pointing a finger straight in my face. "Need I remind you that you work for me."

I flicked up an eyebrow. It was now or never. "If you want to find out whatever sick information about this virus that you're looking for, you'll want to help me. I need a live infected. One in an advanced stage You'll do this for me." His eyes narrowed, but I wasn't finished. I lowered my voice to a conspiratorial whisper, tinged with a hint of arrogance. "After all, it's your ass that has to answer to the government."

He retracted sharply, a flinch from my words. A wicked smile began to curve my lips. I had him. Power surged through my veins and it felt so good. For once, I was finally in control.

He wrapped his hand around my neck and squeezed, cutting off the air from my lungs. My trachea completely closed off, and I panicked. I bucked against his grip, lashing out with my feet and arms, but he held tight.

My vision swayed. I needed air and badly.

He pressed his lips to me ear, gentle like a lover. "I don't know where you learned that, Dr. Hunter," he whispered over my gasps, "but say one more word about it, and I won't let go next time." He released me and I fell to the floor, flopping and gasping like a fish out of water. "You know nothing about our operations here so I suggest you keep your mouth shut and do your job." He landed a hard kick to my ribs. Whatever breath I had regained was lost was wiped away as my diaphragm collapsed under the pound to my ribs.

I lied on the floor, my cheek pressed against the cool tile, as I tried to regain my breath. With one last scathing look, Siles took off, leaving me to rot.

Leo crept out from his place, helping me sit up. "Elizabeth, that was so stupid." He smacked a hand over his mouth. "This is not the time for that. Sorry," he said a bit sheepishly. "Come on, let's get you to your feet."

Waves of dizziness created a blur of colors across my vision. A landscape of abstract art, swatches of pearly tile, blue furniture, and brown skin. Swirls and stars blotted out the sunset's orange and pink rays streaming through the expanse of windows. Finally to my feet, I leaned heavily against Leo, letting him support my weight.

He led me to a patch of blue, guiding my head between my knees. A smooth hand rested on my back, so different from the callused ones that had become so familiar to me. I coughed hard, my whole body shaking, before mustering the strength to sit up.

My voice was raspy and soft. "Do you think he'll do it?"

He knew I meant getting the infected for us. "Rest, Elizabeth. Don't try to talk. Your trachea is definitely bruised."

Infection Runs DeepWhere stories live. Discover now