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"It'll take time to plan. Besides, we can't go in broad daylight." Luke frowned, trying to convince me that this wasn't a good idea.

"Okay," I conceded. "We don't have to go now. What do you suggest then?"

"The Colonel is out of his office from 7 to 8 almost every night. That's our window." He considered for a moment. "It'll still be light out but not full sun. It's also not too late to be out without suspicion. It's the best time we've got."

"How would we get in? The front door?"

"No, that's too obvious." Luke eyebrowed flicked up in consideration. "Can you climb?"

"Like a tree?"

"No, ledges. The Colonel's office is on the second floor. I can boost you up as high as I can, but you'll have to climb the rest of the way."

"I'm pretty sure I can do that, but I think it's a terrible plan."

Luke feigned hurt. "You wound me with your words. It'll be fine."

I didn't think so. I checked my watch, just past 10. We missed our window for the night. "What are we supposed to do until then?"

"What else do we do on base? Train."

I groaned, but Luke gave me a mischievous smile. "No one gets that excited about training. What are we really up to?"

"Tonight, training is a mock shootout battle." He said it like it should have meaning to me.


"You're no fun," he complained. "It's just fancy talk for one of the best parts of base?"

I smiled at his enthusiasm. "And what would that be?"

He returned my smile with one of his own, bright, shining, and genuine. "You'll see."


A soldier walking into battle. Determined, camouflaged, prepared. I swiped one last coat of eye black underneath my eyes, smearing it with my fingers and leaving streaks across my cheeks. My head ached from the tightness of my braid, the end pinned tightly into a bun. A helmet, black and much too large, fit over my functional style, the strap clipping tightly under my chin. I shouldered my gun, keeping the business end pointed towards the ground to avoid any unnecessary casualties.

This was war.

Luke looked at me from under the lip of his helmet, his eyes shadowed in the low light. "Are you ready for this, soldier?"

I saluted. "Yes, sir."

"Then ready your weapon. We breach in one." He pulled up his gun, checking the chamber to make sure it was locked and loaded. I mimicked his motions before assuring that I had extra ammo.

He held up his fist in a gesture to stop. He looked at me and my comrades. A mismatched group of soldiers of all ranks and positions. It didn't matter. Tonight, we had only one goal. To defend our honor.

"Tonight, we fight for all that we have worked for. To protect all that we have gained and all that we accomplish in the future. Tonight is for us. Tonight is about strategy and loyalty. We're all on the same comms channel. Use it. Stay sharp, stay aware, and stay alive. Let's move out."

We scrambled into position. Three separate squadrons for a three flank attack. I didn't know much about strategy, but Luke did. All I had to do was follow his orders.

A siren rang out in the clearing, an echoing battle cry responding from our enemy. I peeked out from behind my cover, the remnants of an old stone building. Tracking the enemy with my gun, I aimed and fired. My ammunition struck home. Center chest. A fatal shot.

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