12. It's nothing to thank me for

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This morning I finally convinced Rylan to take me out to see London, it wasn't for long, and most of it was from inside a tour bus. It was all she accepted, which I considered kind of her. She is the only one who has allowed me that little freedom. We saw Big Ben, London Bridge, Buckingham Palace, and Sherlock Holme's home. 

I enjoyed it more than I thought I would because I was hoping to walk around the City, but once I got as far as Rylan, I take what I can. It felt as if it was the first time in years I was able to breathe. It was pure happiness that I had in my veins. Perhaps Rylan isn't that bad after all. 

Then we made it back to the hotel to pack our stuff before we had to check out. Rylan found a cab to take us back to the airport. That's when reality hit back at me. The smile I had vanished as quick as the speed of lighting once I sat back down in the same seat on the plane. 

Ten minutes into the flight, Rylan got her cup of coffee for the afternoon. She drinks like five cups a day, and if I hadn't seen the dark spots underneath her eyes, I would have questioned why. I don't understand why she doesn't just sleep instead of having coffee. 

While she was staring endlessly out the window, I decided to pick up my notebook to draw again. I have found back the spark that I lost a few years ago, but I think it has something to do with the one that I'm drawing. 

The model keeps adding questions to her strong exterior, but I feel that there might be softness on the inside. A part that she doesn't want to come out to show, more as if there is a broken part of her that she has buried deep inside of her. A piece that exposes itself through sadness in those blue eyes. The way it does right now, how she is staring but not looking at what's out there. 

She is deep into herself, seeing pieces that must hunt her from the past. I know there is something they all do, but Rylan is different. She tries with all her might to hide it, to bury whatever that won't let her sleep at night. 

"Thank you," I said and it took her a second before she realized I had shared a few words.

"I'm sorry?" She asked, and I smiled. 

"Thank you for allowing me to see London,"

"It's nothing to thank me for," She replied and stared back out the window, and I went quietly back to drawing her. She doesn't appear to notice that I am because Rylan has shut off reality. It's not often she has the chance of doing so, considering she has to have eyes and ears everywhere we go.

I clutched onto the handle of the seat as the plane shook and swallowed hard as my body trembled. 

"Are you okay?" Rylan asked; I nodded as I closed my eyes, trying to breathe calmly.

"It's only turbulence," She said, and again I nodded, but then the plane shook once more, and my gripe tightened to the handle. I took a deep breath, yet it did nothing to take away the worry. I don't mind flying, but it's kind of a reminder that there is a slight chance we might fall when it starts to tremble. 

"It's okay," I heard Rylan say, and I opened my eyes. She has placed herself in the seat next to me. She is smiling lightly at me, reassuring me that nothing bad is going to happen. Yet again, the plane wobbled, and I accidentally laid my hand over hers, holding onto it tightly as if my life depended on it. My cheeks turned up a degree, and I was about to remove it. But before I had the opportunity, she held onto my hand. 

Her grip is soft, warm, and comforting; as much as I know I should move it away, she takes the fright away. I close my eyes and try to concentrate on something else as I let myself drift away.

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