32. You don't have to change a thing

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I woke up in a panic as I felt myself slip to the side of the seat and noticed that the dark has fallen upon us. Not just that, what was once rain has turned into snow. When I straightened myself, the flashes of snow on the edges of the road came to view. All the rain back home came down as snow here. A big rumble in my belly interrupted my fascination with the view.

"What time is it?" I asked.

"It's a little over midnight," She answered and a yawn escaped my mouth. 

"I'm hungry," I said and Rylan raised her eyebrow and looked at me for a second. She didn't answer, though, which left me in utter confusion. 

"When would we arrive?" I wondered as I knew she wasn't going to say anything.

"Two hours," She replied and I hit my head back in the seat as that is too long without food in my belly. With half-closed eyes, I gazed into the darkness, but then I smiled as Rylan pulled the car over to the side to a dinner that is open. I almost wanted to lean over and kiss Rylan's cheek, but I know that would have been frowned upon, and that deeply. I jumped out of the car and rushed for the entrance but notice that Rylan was taking her time. 

"Come on," I said and walked back to pull her by the hand to speed up the process. It surprised me that she didn't force my hand out of hers as we entered the dinner. All the seats are empty as we strolled down the dirty floor. I sat down with Rylan across from me. That's when the tired spots underneath her eyes really came to show. She took a few breaks during the drive, but I forgot to consider her lack of sleep. 

"Are you sure you can drive the rest?" I asked and Rylan frowned at my question.

"Never mind," I said as a waitress with eyes forced open appeared at our table. 

"What can I get you?" She smiled brightly, considering how late it is. Rylan and I both took our orders; then, the lady went on her very way to the kitchen. 

"So," I started, which caught Rylan's attention. She was gazing all around the dinner as if sitting across from me made her uncomfortable. 

"Is there anything I need to be aware of when it comes to your, um," I stammered as I didn't know what word I should choose.

"Foster family?" Rylan raised her eyebrow and I nodded with bright red cheeks. Before we left, she did warn me that most of them would be there. It's a thing apparently that they always meet together at a certain time of the year when they all can. 

"It's going to be crowded," She let out a sigh as though she dreads to go. I can understand why she doesn't want to, but for someone like me who has lived most of my life in solitude, it sounds perfect. Rylan, who needs her withdrawal from people, I can see that this is an issue for her. 

"How many did your foster parents take in?" I wondered curiously. 

"I was twelve when I came there and Matt and Lola were there before me," She paused as she needs a moment to think. 

"Matt was fifteen, and Lola was seven. Then two years later, Chris appeared. He was ten and the last one came in a year after him and that was Maya. She was sixteen," She explained and my mouth almost fell open.  

"You technically have four siblings," I said, stunned, but Rylan only shrugged as the waitress came and placed our plates onto the table and then went away with a grin. 

"At least you weren't alone," I smiled warmly at Rylan, who stared at me endlessly. I realized what I had blurted out and avoided her gaze by picking up my knife and fork to attack the waffles that I craved the moment I saw them on the menu. While Rylan, on the other side, had ordered an egg sandwich.   

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